romanticism in Dutch

omanticism [roumæntisizəm] romantiek

Sentence patterns related to "romanticism"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "romanticism" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "romanticism", or refer to the context using the word "romanticism" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Romanticism-Maturationism Romanticism has its roots in the writings of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

2. He leans artistically towards romanticism.

3. Her determined romanticism was worrying me.

4. Beneath this romanticism, however , a stark reality.

5. His poetry tended towards a dreamy romanticism.

6. This kind of romanticism is everywhere in Buchan's books.

7. Adam Oehlenschläger (1779–1850) introduced romanticism to the Danish theatre.

8. This phenomenon was severely criticized by humanism and romanticism.

9. Bluestockings : women of reason from Enlightenment to Romanticism / Elizabeth Eger

10. His opera prefigure coming of romanticism in artistic song writing. Mozart let classicism and romanticism have a perfect integrating and endow with artistic song strong infection and life.

11. The beauty of nature and human feelings were important ideas in romanticism.

12. He follows Cohen's bittersweet romanticism with a solid dose of Sonic Youth.

13. The Aeolian harp was an important symbol of artistic inspiration in Romanticism.

14. Women's Literary Networks and Romanticism: "A Tribe of Authoresses" Andrew O

15. His compositional style represents a distinctively spare form of tonal neo-Romanticism.

16. Symptoms of reversion to primitive superstition about death are contemporaneous with Romanticism.

17. The image of ragtag Vietminh guerrillas persisted, but it was pure romanticism.

18. The new artistic climate found Minton striving to restrain his romanticism beneath taut design.

19. ‘Roman Classicism was the inspiration for this popular pattern.’ ‘That's the difference between romanticism and Classicism.’ ‘This involved a step from Classicism towards romanticism - which was also a shift from civilisation towards barbarism.’

20. Thomas Hardy's Darkling Thrush is a perfect combination of romanticism, realism and modernism.

21. Romanticism represents the freeing of feelings, instinct and sentiment in opposition to reasoned objectivity.

22. Storni used earlier poetic movements, namely Romanticism and modernism, as models for her poetry.

23. Bella's puncturing of William's nostalgic romanticism with her admission that she never really fancied him.

24. 25 Meanwhile, Americanism sets a heavy cultural foundation for American romanticism with its own national characteristics.

25. The postmodernists rejected this viewpoint, however, as excessive romanticism, but Peto would surely not have cared.

26. It has a picturesque Old Town, located in the Rheingau landscape celebrated in Rhine romanticism.

27. The symbolic theories of Romanticism lie in Romanticists'exposition about symbol, allegory, myth, limitlessness, and so on.

28. Aquarians have a romantic streak … expect the unusual, blending with a futuristic, refined classical style of romanticism

29. In music, the first thirty years of the nineteenth century were pre-eminently an age of romanticism.

30. Finally, this dissertation comes to the conclusion that Keats is a unique and foresighted poet of Romanticism.

31. When I was an undergraduate student studying sociology we were all warned of the dangers of romanticism.

32. In art, Classicism is established between Baroque and Romanticism, creating a balanced mixture of both trends.

33. In Romanticism there is a long tradition leading up to it of the formal Pindaric ode.

34. Somek's theory of law has strong affinities to the legal philosophy of German idealism, Romanticism and Marxism.

35. There is a looseness and lushness, a romanticism and Balladry, in the work, that is not quite characteristic

36. Revelling in colour and contrast, drama and dissonance, boldness and individualism, it was the architectural legacy of Romanticism.

37. However, the optimistic Romanticism popular earlier in the century would also have affected the shifting ideological landscape.

38. It is in one movement, imbued throughout with profound melancholy, yet breathing a spirit of Viennese romanticism.

39. It effectively conjured up the mixture of religion, fighting prowess and romanticism which the Legion held so dear.

40. Alban Berg, Austrian composer who wrote atonal and 12-tone compositions that remained true to late 19th-century Romanticism

41. Classicism and Romanticism developed so gradually and exhibited so many phases that a perfect definition is not possible

42. They had an equal appeal to artists and designers of the Romanticism and subsequent Symbolism movements in the 19th century.

43. By the 1830s, Ukrainian romanticism began to develop, and the nation's most renowned cultural figure, romanticist poet-painter Taras Shevchenko emerged.

44. Like asexuality, Aromanticism is a spectrum, which includes grey-romanticism or grey-Aromanticism, where someone occasionally or rarely experiences romantic attraction

45. Finance is again king, cemented by romanticism about retaining political sovereignty over the pound and laced with not a little xenophobia.

46. What does literature say?: the problem of dogmatic closure--from romanticism to Northrop Frye I'm an extrapolator, an Anatomizer, an embellisher.

47. Before he died from cancer in 19 he had produced a mammoth body of beautiful work steeped in lyricism and romanticism.

48. 11 It is quiet and symmetrical that the whole divertimento has dramaticism but a magnum opus of a romanticism remains classicism throughout.

49. Biedermeier Style Biedermeier style, in art, stems from a transitional period between Neoclassicism and Romanticism, particularly in Germany, Austria, northern Italy, and the Scandinavian countries

50. Well, Biedermeier furniture comes from the eponymous Biedermeier art period, which was a transitional period between Neoclassicism and Romanticism in the 1800s, following the Napoleonic wars