precede in Dutch

precede [prisiːd] voorafgaan, voorzijn voorafgaan, voorgaan, voorlopen, vooropgaa

Sentence patterns related to "precede"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "precede" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "precede", or refer to the context using the word "precede" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. 10 synonyms for Antedate: antecede, precede, predate, antecede, forego, precede, predate, forgo

2. Attributive adjectives precede the noun.

3. To precede in time; antedate.

4. Que antecede o precede: gobierno Antecedente

5. Precede significant point with ‘ABEAM’, if applicable.

6. I lacked the thoughts that precede speech.

7. Precede significant point with “ABEAM”, if applicable.

8. Agricultural development simply must precede economic development.

9. Many countries precede ours in per capita income.

10. Adjetivo Que antecede, precede: isso aconteceu no dia Antecedente

11. □ What steps precede baptism as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

12. We make sure our horizontal strokes precede our perpendicular.

13. Pay attention to the medical cautions that precede each tape.

14. He gestured for her to precede him through the door.

15. But the Appositive can also precede the noun it defines

16. But the Appositive can also precede the noun it defines

17. Already: so as to precede something in order of time

18. He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room.

19. Of Antecedere go before, precede, from ante before (see ANTE (Cf

20. A planning session at 30 will precede the noon lunch discussion.

21. These are anarthrous predicate nouns that precede the verb in Greek.

22. * Apostasy will precede the Second Coming, D&C 1:13–16.

23. * War, dreams, and visions shall precede the Second Coming, Joel 2.

24. When consignor and shipper are debtors , consignor should precede to perform the obligation.

25. The format also allows for sequence names and comments to precede the sequences.

26. It is a costly myth, however that organization alignment must precede fundamental change.

27. This is a 5-digit Amicus number, so 7 zeros must precede it …

28. Conviction, humility, repentance, and submissiveness precede the abandonment of our weapons of rebellion.

29. It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.

30. Synonyms for Backdate include date, predate, sign, stamp, validate, antedate, precede, anticipate, forego and antecede

31. The protest walk will precede a public rally planned for the village on Saturday, September

32. Antecedent definition: An Antecedent is a noun that must precede the use of a pronoun

33. Viol sprang to his feet, politely drawing back to allow his superior to precede him.

34. The long-drawn-out campaigns that precede every election in the US have already begun.

35. Remember that antecedents are events that usually precede the problems and consequences usually follow them.

36. Como Antecedente denominamos aquello que antecede, que precede o que es anterior a una cosa.

37. And to make absolutely sure, one million kilometres of test driving precede every series release.

38. To be of older date than; precede in time: The Peruvian empire Antedates the Mexican empire

39. 3 Viol sprang to his feet, politely drawing back to allow his superior to precede him.

40. Synonyms for Antedate include precede, predate, anticipate, forego, antecede, go before, preexist, accelerate, anachronize and backdate

41. 4 Pippin was given a public dressing-down,[] and ordered to precede his father to Francia.

42. A idade Aptiana sucede a idade Barremiana e precede a idade Albiana, ambas de sua época

43. These minor motor abnormalities usually precede more obvious signs of motor dysfunction by at least three years.

44. 23 Let this development precede, and contributions, numberless, and of inestimable value, will be sure to follow.

45. These instruments can reveal both retinal detachment and tears or breaks in the retina that may precede detachment.

46. Antedate definition, to be of older date than; precede in time: The Peruvian empire Antedates the Mexican empire

47. "A" And "an" are indefinite articles that precede nouns or the adjectives modifying nouns

48. Nowhere did he state that all anarthrous predicate nouns that precede the verb in Greek are definite nouns.

49. Webster rejected the notion that the study of Greek and Latin must precede the study of English grammar.

50. 38 rows  · Italian: ·first-person singular present indicative of Antecedere··I precede (go …