pick up in Dutch

pick up [pikʌp] optrekken, versnellen halen, gaanhalen collecteren, innen, inzamelen, oogsten, plukken, rapen, verzamelen aanvatten, nemen, oprapen, pakken, vatten aanpappen, contactzoeken afhalen, ophalen afhalen, komenhalen, ophale

Sentence patterns related to "pick up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pick up" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pick up", or refer to the context using the word "pick up" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Ballast pick-up

2. Ballast pick up

3. Pick up your knees!

4. Pick up your feet.

5. Pick up that lantern.

6. Pick up your gun.

7. Acoustic pick-up assemblies

8. Pick up dry cleaning.

9. Pick up your sword, sire

10. I'll pick up something then.

11. Come on, Ade, pick up.

12. Joshua, pick up a gun!

13. Inductive power pick-up coils

14. Let the machine pick up.

15. Dre, pick up your jacket!

16. Pick up your sword, sire.

17. Pick up the razor blade.

18. Celebrities pick up their dry cleaning?

19. Pick up your mat* and walk.”

20. No, it's a pick-up band.

21. " We must pick up more firewood. "

22. My radio can pick up France.

23. Man, I didn't pick up nobody.

24. Mom, please pick up the phone.

25. Pick up your sword, another round

26. We'll pick up some new ones.

27. Interesting Comebacks to Pick Up Lines

28. Come on, pick up your feet.

29. Bugler, pick up Captain York's gauntlet.

30. Pick up the badge, Mr. Cooper.

31. Use the FREE curbside pick up option at check out to pick up Native Arts items at Birchbark Books.

32. Pick up the phone, and start dialling!

33. We'll pick up where we finished yesterday.

34. Pick up line one. It's Mr. Peck.

35. Time to pick up the tempo boys.

36. Pick up first row of main yarn.

37. Use the FREE curbside pick up option at check out to pick up Native Arts items at Birchbark Books

38. Tell Jeff to pick up some tools.

39. The train began to pick up speed .

40. Pick up your shirts from the laundry.

41. You try to pick up Richard's trail.

42. Ashanti signalled Ledbury to pick up survivors.

43. He'll pick up the money and run.

44. Dinosaurs pick up scents from miles away.

45. Pick up the phone and start dialling!

46. You can pick up a little starfish.

47. A pick-up is provided for an Inductively Coupled Power Transfer (ICPT) system having a parallel tuned resonant pick-up circuit.

48. Business is at last beginning to pick up.

49. I forgot to pick up my dry cleaning.

50. She bent down to pick up her glove.