nucleus in Dutch

ucleus [njuːkliəs] kern, pit kern, nucleus

Sentence patterns related to "nucleus"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nucleus" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nucleus", or refer to the context using the word "nucleus" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. 4 words related to Achromatin: body substance, cell nucleus, karyon, nucleus

2. The nucleus Ambiguus receives short connecting fibers from the neighboring cranial sensory nuclei, i.e., the spinal trigeminal nucleus and nucleus solitarius

3. Bilobate nucleus with large eosinophilic granules that do not cover the nucleus; Function

4. It is this nucleus that gives the eukaryote—literally, true nucleus—its name.

5. Repetitive single shock stimulation of the medullary nucleus stopped the nucleus and organ discharge.

6. Type of family nucleus

7. Get Started With Anaconda Nucleus

8. A single nucleus (the original nucleus of Amoebula) is present in the full-grown macrospheric individual

9. Decay of the nucleus is by emission of a fast-moving helium nucleus, an alpha particle.

10. Topic: Size of family nucleus

11. An atom of hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus and one electron moving around that nucleus.

12. The nucleus Ambiguus is a nucleus with an elongated shape that is located in the medulla oblongata

13. In some observations a high ice nucleus concentration in the snow coincides with low Aitken nucleus concentrations.

14. Relating to the nucleus Accumbens grammar

15. Ernest Rutherford identifies the atomic nucleus.

16. Accessory bone; Accessory muscle; Accessory nucleus, in anatomy, a cranial nerve nucleus; Accessory nerve; In arts and entertainment

17. The cell body contains the nucleus.

18. 13 There is distinct nucleolus the naked nucleus and some dispersed organelle as lysosome around the nucleus.

19. What are Centrioles made of? Nucleus

20. Nucleus Hybrid ™ Implant Candidacy Criteria

21. In Anamnia, sharks and frogs, in contrast to sterlets, the dorsolateral sub-nucleus inside preoptic nucleus was identified

22. Nucleus Accumbens involvement in hedonic processing

23. Amphid socket nucleus has an epithelial appearance

24. Persons not in a family nucleus (optional)

25. DNA molecules reside in the cell nucleus.

26. The trichogen cell contains a polytene nucleus.

27. The nucleus Ambiguus is the common nucleus of the efferent fibers for glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and vagus (CN X) nerves

28. The first consists of nucleus raphes obscurus, pallidus, and magnus, the latter of nucleus raphes centralis, dorsalis, and linearis.

29. The nucleus Ambiguus is the common nucleus of the efferent fibers for glossopharyngeal (CN IX) and vagus (CN X) nerves

30. They typically take place when a nucleus of an atom gets smacked by either a subatomic particle (usually a "free neutron, " a short-lived neutron not bound to an existing nucleus) or another nucleus.

31. Archae are unicellular organisms that lack a nucleus

32. Chromosomes and Chromatids are thread-shaped structures in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells (cells consisting of a nucleus within a membrane)

33. The nucleus has two protons and two neutrons.

34. [Antidromal activation and synaptic processes of Deiters nucleus induced by stimulation of the inferior olive and reticular nucleus of the pontine tegmentum]

35. Axonal Arborizations of a magnocellular basal nucleus input and their relation to the neurons in the thalamic reticular nucleus of rats

36. CT scans showed bilateral symmetrical hypodensity foci in lenticular (5/, head of caudate nucleus (4/ , thalamus (2/ and dentate nucleus (1/.

37. The nucleus of such spermatids lacks an acrosome.

38. The latter contains the nucleus and the acrosome.

39. There they coalesce to form a single nucleus.

40. Each cell possesses a nucleus imbedded in protoplasm.

41. The nucleus Ambiguus supplies motor fibers to the stylopharyngeus muscle while the inferior salivatory nucleus supplies parasympathetic fibers to the parotid gland

42. G- d get out from me this terrible nucleus!

43. Unlike other cells, red blood cells have no nucleus.

44. 6 Each cell possesses a nucleus imbedded in protoplasm.

45. Entering Capsid are transported along microtubules to the nucleus.

46. The nucleus geniculatus medialis receives axons from auditory axons.

47. Every living cell and every atom has a nucleus.

48. What does Achromatin mean? The part of a cell nucleus that remains less colored than the rest of the nucleus when stained or dyed

49. After an injection of 3H-proline confined to the ventral portion of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, transported label can be followed, in the Autoradiographs, dorsally and caudally in the periventricular area as far as the caudal end of the ventromedial nucleus, into the triangular area between this nucleus and the arcuate nucleus, and along the

50. Protoplasm consists of Cytoplasm, the nucleus and the nucleoplasm