nice guy in Dutch

ice guy [naisgiː] goedmens, goeiert

Sentence patterns related to "nice guy"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "nice guy" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "nice guy", or refer to the context using the word "nice guy" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Nick sounds like a nice guy.

2. He's a nice guy when he's sober.

3. Jane's new boyfriend is a really nice guy.

4. He was a nice guy, a likable guy.

5. Nice Guy, Bares his teeth Robin Abcarian 3 days ago

6. Castanet is nice guy who likes to help people out

7. I think he's a genuinely nice guy underneath it all .

8. Dave's a nice guy when you get to know him.

9. " " Although he acts tough, he's really a nice guy

10. People think Wayne's a weirdo, but he's really a nice guy.

11. People think Jack's a weirdo, but he's really a nice guy.

12. Shayne, can a nice guy like you survive in this cutthroat business?

13. Compare with Adaptational Personality Change and Adaptational Nice Guy, and maybe Adaptational Heroism.

14. I had to wait until I was dead to meet a nice guy.

15. Andrew is a nice guy, but he has the brain of a husk.

16. What draws you in about Blow is that George was such a nice guy

17. You seem like a nice guy since you can make a pretty thing like this.

18. I've had enough of people taking advantage of me. From now on it's no more Mr Nice Guy.

19. Del Arroz’s defenders claim he’s a nice guy, and accusations that he harasses or trolls people are absurd

20. The story is the journey of Kuzco's character from spoilt brat, through hairy llama, to born-again nice guy.

21. Belak's response was to defend the owner as a nice guy who donates to his community and supports children's activities

22. Bime was a nice guy, always keeping a clear head, and always took full responsibility for his mistakes when he knew that he had a bad performance

23. Blurt! IMDB: 5.8 When nice-guy Jeremy Martin puts on mysterious virtual reality glasses at the mall, he suddenly loses his “inside voice” and starts spouting every thought he has out loud

24. Since Jackson's return, it has been the mission of Jeanie Buss to try to control and limit the ineptness of her brother, a nice guy who is said to keep his bartender on the Lakers payroll.