meet with in Dutch

meet with [miːtwið] bevredigen, paaien, tegemoetkomenaan, tevredenstellen, voldoe

Sentence patterns related to "meet with"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "meet with" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "meet with", or refer to the context using the word "meet with" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. I'm gonna meet with him.

2. They meet with great regularity.

3. He agreed to meet with us.

4. Sacrifices That Meet With God’s Approval

5. Do the plans meet with your approval?

6. This policy did not meet with success.

7. Does the design meet with your approval ?

8. A great wizard meet with a great patron.

9. I trust the arrangements meet with your approval.

10. Management will meet with union representatives next week.

11. Their plan will probably meet with little success.

12. They did not always meet with success, however.

13. Nagging, begging, coercion, and ridicule seldom meet with success.

14. I don' t want you to meet with mishap

15. I've been invited to meet with the American Ambassador.

16. Captain, Governor Vagh is ready to meet with you.

17. Such a threat was bound to meet with opposition.

18. Time and again, Christians meet with rude or harsh responses.

19. 5 I've been invited to meet with the American Ambassador.

20. 9 I've been invited to meet with the American Ambassador.

21. I've written all the resistance leaders to meet with us.

22. The terrorists are bound to meet with a terrible fate.

23. If you meet with any difficulties, just let me know.

24. Perfectly Charred meats meet with fresh greens for a nutritious balance

25. So let's give the president time to meet with Colonel Ismat.

26. Why do you think we're going to meet with the Council?

27. Well, Bones, do the new medical facilities meet with your approval?

28. The first move was to set up a meet with Jo.

29. The narrow Wakhan Corridor extends from northeasternmost Afghanistan to meet with China

30. You can mesmerize anyone you meet with your cultured attitude and outlook.

31. Even their reputations have been hurt as they meet with humiliating failure.

32. Skepticism fully loaded, I agreed to meet with the dapper and charming McKenna.

33. We often meet with a difficulty arising out of the peculiar natural conditions.

34. Yes, we should feel drawn to meet with our brothers. —Psalm 122:1.

35. Not the best way to meet, with my head halfway down the toilet.

36. Accusatory Missive Meet with the Accuser in the Halls of Atonement in Revendreth.

37. Just enough trouble so that the principal needs to meet with your father.

38. Both companies will meet with a neutral third party to resolve the disagreement.

39. Sam thinks Zahir is going to meet with the whistle-blower, Dr Hill.

40. He who sees through life and death will meet with most success. 

41. I came to Altadena Ale & Wine House to meet with some fellow Toastmasters

42. Please have him meet with me in the high council room following the meeting.”

43. Those attending will meet with the city's lobbyists and attend a luncheon with Gov.

44. 8 He who sees through life and death will meet with most success. 

45. They arranged that Belgrano and Saavedra would meet with Juan José de Lezica, the senior alcalde (municipal magistrate), while Castelli would meet with the procurator Julián de Leiva, to ask for their support.

46. Reluctantly, Pope Innocent agreed to meet with Francis and the brothers the next day.

47. Look, I'm just gonna call you back after I meet with the adjustor, okay?

48. 9 Both companies will meet with a neutral third party to resolve the disagreement.

49. At risk: being in a situation where one is likely to meet with harm

50. So you don't deny going to Las Vegas to meet with a reputed mobster.