in my view in Dutch

in my view [inmiːvjuː] mijnsinziens

Sentence patterns related to "in my view"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "in my view" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "in my view", or refer to the context using the word "in my view" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. In my view, it's the herd instinct.

2. His remarks are actionable in my view.

3. In my view, her criticisms were completely justified.

4. In my view, the lights are on amber here.

5. In my view nothing betters a good ferret box.

6. In my view this book would deprave young children.

7. In my view you are a menace to the public.

8. In my view Reagan had come through with flying colors.

9. 13 In my view it was a waste of time.

10. In my view, the answers lie in the process of adaptation.

11. In my view, the answers lie in the process of adaptation

12. 1 In my view Reagan had come through with flying colors.

13. The three main factors in my view are:leadership, vision and expertise.

14. The abolitionist approach is "neither here, nor there" in my view.

15. This is the Achilles heel of the matter, in my view.

16. In my view, gender-based reproduction points unequivocally to the mind of God.

17. Those mechanical calculations are not in my view as alarming as one thinks.

18. In my view, counter-measures should be taken to revers the present situation.

19. In my view, it is a landmark experiment in calibrated decentralization of federal powers.

20. But it is a set of values that cannot, in my view, be extinguished.

21. Law school professors, in my view, are the drones and morticians of the profession.

22. And a social movement is comprised, in my view, it's comprised of four main characteristics.

23. Intervention by Asian governments should attempt only to neutralize the hot money, in my view.

24. In my view, this variance is, in the majority of cases, more imagined than real.

25. In my view, color blindness is very dangerous because it means we're ignoring the problem.

26. There is no tangible information that would lead anyone to believe, in my view, that Sen.

27. No company, in my view, would dare to create a controversy by ruining the night sky.

28. And, in my view, that is the most significant thing about this draft treaty: its ambivalence.

29. For all the reasons set out above, the application must, in my view, be declared admissible.

30. What makes all these people come to the club? In my view it's the herd instinct.

31. Some people like to burn incense and kowtow to the book. In my view that isn't necessary.

32. In my view, analogous considerations should also apply in relation to international agreements concluded by the Community.

33. Therefore, the Court should, in my view, broaden its analysis so as to include those additional provisions.

34. In my view the Court’s reasoning in Ze Fu Fleischhandel should apply by analogy to the present matter.

35. In my view, scientists have a crucial role to play in the rapprochement of conventional and complementary medicine.

36. In my view there was only one hope, and that was to build the tunnel using private venture capital.

37. In my view, what there is here is a sequence of interpretative alternatives rather than clear, mutually exclusive choices.

38. In my view, then, it was rather defeatist from a vocational standpoint to adopt a stance like Mr Graham's.

39. In my view, this is absolutely necessary in order to identify the proper basis for determining the provision's legality.

40. In my view, anyone who gives advice is an “Adviser”, whereas one who is employed to Advise is an “advisor”

41. 28 To some extent this was unarguably true, but not in my view to a sufficient extent to cause the furore.

42. The performance of racial Brutalization, by both police and vigilantes, is, in my view, a way to model racial hierarchy and control

43. The alternative method proposed by Toshiba does not, in my view, provide for a more direct use of TM T&D’s turnover.

44. The legislative purpose in inserting the adverbial qualifications into both these paragraphs was, in my view, to protect against abuses under the section.

45. In my view, not Anticoagulating is not only as safe as, but perhaps even safer than, anticoagulation in selected patients with isolated subsegmental PE

46. Trump and his followers comprise a Cult, in my view, the group fulfills the criteria typically used in sociological, religious, and psychological circles to

47. Civil society organizations should, in my view, target businesses at all levels (local, regional, and national, as well as international) for support for right-minded causes.

48. And in my view point, Billposter is the best job in this game i am going to be a Billposter at the future after the cb version

49. In my view a general and abstract description of the interests which may, in accordance with the proposed interpretation, justify a boundary correction is neither desirable or necessary.

50. In my view, the argument between the Criminalizers (who see human nature as closer to the Dionysian pole) and the legalizers (who see it as more Apollonian) is misplaced