imperialist in Dutch

imperialist [impiəriəlist] imperialist

Sentence patterns related to "imperialist"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "imperialist" from the English - Dutch Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "imperialist", or refer to the context using the word "imperialist" in the English - Dutch Dictionary.

1. Mr Koizumi is no diehard imperialist.

2. That country is now freed from imperialist slavery.

3. Secondly, however, the imperialist character of Japan's social economy determines the imperialist character of her war, a war that is retrogressive and barbarous.

4. The reviewer however is not a trenchant imperialist.

5. Imperialist: Americans: The USA is considered to be an empire

6. Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors.

7. They will rise up and overthrow their imperialist government.

8. 1840--1922, British poet, traveller, and anti- imperialist Collins Discovery Explanation of Bluntest

9. The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation.

10. We see the smaller imperialist powers frantically attempting to maneuver within this new framework.

11. The present age is the anti - imperialist phase of our movement .

12. 26 Imperialist powers always tend to gobble up their weaker neighbors.

13. They are ready to defend themselves against Uncle Sam's imperialist policies.

14. The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest.

15. But clearly it was imperialistic palaeontologists rather than imperialist fossils that set the pattern in both cases.

16. These are defended by the Trotskyist movement against imperialist attempts to reintroduce capitalism.

17. To Ortega, such a posture reeks of betrayal, social democratic aberrations and imperialist tendencies.

18. What then was qualitatively different about the imperialist epoch, as compared to the previous era of capitalist development?

19. The imperialist powers repeatedly forced the Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities.

20. They can thus be isolated from particular transnational corporations identified with particular imperialist powers.

21. In April , Lord Irwin was replaced as the Viceroy by Lord Willingdon , a hard - core imperialist .

22. The international community needs to realize that this type of imperialist intervention is nothing new.

23. Having suffered enough from imperialist bullying in the past, the Chinese people hold a deep hatred for hegemonic power.

24. The Tigrayans had no such difficulties, and had no hesitation in condemning the Soviet Union as imperialist.

25. Counterspy - DEFCON 4 Gameplay Spying on the Imperialist States in order to save the moon

26. It also encompassed a eugenist and imperialist gloss on the importance of domesticity and motherhood.

27. Or , he is leafing through the antique work of revolution for a slogan against the imperialist .

28. 4 California, grabbed from Mexico by that imperialist president, James Polk, was different from the start.

29. The famous anti - feudal and anti - imperialist May Fourth Movement broke out in Beijing in 19

30. Somalia’s current Corruptionist comprador bourgeoisie has no independent socio-political base and is therefore totally beholden to Western imperialist interests

31. There is more resentment and hostility against imperialist domination in India than at any previous time .

32. Meanwhile, the Soviet Union brandished its position as the leader of the "progressive" and "anti-imperialist" camp.

33. This temporary development fostered both revisionist and defeatist views of the proletarian revolution in the imperialist countries.

34. Atheologically Caloric restriction diet skepticism! 254-312 Phone Numbers Orthodox prohibition against commercial sexual exploitation and imperialist domination

35. But this does not mean that the colonial revolution has not affected the mechanism of the imperialist economy.

36. Afghanis-tan illustrates the modern history of Afghanistan and its neighboring countries, starting from the imperialist era in the 19th century, through moe anthropomorphism

37. 28 They initially thought that competition from powerful foreign interests would encourage the national bourgeoisie to take an anti-imperialist stand.

38. He was the first and only Presidential contender to propose a world-view profoundly alternative to the traditions of imperialist perspective.

39. Therefore, our decision has been playing an extremely positive role in unmasking the US imperialist intervention to world's people.

40. 5 The doctrine of manifest destiny was distinct from the imperialist dynamic that flourished around the turn of the century.

41. The weakness of the enemy offers the revolution fuller means of recovery from temporary defeats than is the case in imperialist countries.

42. As many of the educated Indians began to use their recently acquired modern knowledge to analyse and criticise the imperialist and exploitative character of British rule and to organise an anti - imperialist political movement , the British administrators began to press continuously for the curtailment of higher education .

43. Birkett appears to feel a personal hostility to Mary Kingsley and her autocratic ways, rather than antagonism towards her imperialist activities.

44. Secondly , politics of Europe and Asia and the race for armaments amongst the imperialist powers were all pointing to an approaching world conflagration .

45. In the modern time, the imperialist powers eyed China covetously. Once the time was ripe, they began to carve up China.

46. The threat of imperialist attack remains, and the bureaucracy uses this threat quite consciously to periodically silence the voices of opposition.

47. The second force defining the modern West has been the intensive and intense encounter with other cultures brought about by imperialist expansion.

48. The imperialist cardinals offered to elect Pole by acclamation and rendering homage (per Adorationem), but Pole refused to cooperate with this devious strategy

49. On Saturday, members of the administrative committee of the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC), on which I serve, spoke on a webinar about the importance of building and strengthening the Antiwar, anti-imperialist movement during Biden’s presidency

50. The Boxer Rebellion, Boxer Uprising or Yihetuan Movement, was an armed and violent xenophobic, anti-Christian, and anti-imperialist insurrection in China between 1899 and 1901, towards the end of the Qing dynasty.