worse in Korean

adjective - worse
보다 나쁜: worse
악화되는: worse
adverb - worse
더욱 나쁘게: worse
더욱 심하게: worse
noun - worse
한층 더 나쁨: worse

Sentence patterns related to "worse"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "worse" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "worse", or refer to the context using the word "worse" in the English - Korean.

1. He had had headaches for about six weeks that got worse and worse and worse and worse.

2. Rash worse equals cold agglutinins worse.

3. And the feeling on my chest got worse and worse.

4. Worse even.

5. Max is getting worse.

6. That makes it worse.

7. They're worse for Congress.

8. And it's getting worse.

9. It'll taste even worse.

10. What's worse than boredom?

11. John’s addiction grew worse.

12. What's worse than destitution?

13. That sounds even worse.

14. Then comes Baulked, which in my eyes is worse than bumping and worse than crowding

15. You'll just make it worse.

16. It's only gonna get worse.

17. That's worse than no food.

18. I'm only gonna get worse.

19. My cold is growing worse.

20. The situation got steadily worse.

21. This is even worse now:

22. It'll only make matters worse.

23. Even worse, it was unscientific.

24. Going from bad to worse.

25. But wait, it gets worse".

26. I was expecting way worse.

27. To make me feel worse?

28. There are worse fates, Paolo.

29. Worse still, they were disobedient.

30. He's worse than Wyatt's men.

31. It could have been worse.

32. Go farther and fare worse.

33. Translation for: 'and what is worse, to make matters worse' in English->Japanese (Kanji) dictionary

34. The consequence of cheap labor is that the life of the worker becomes worse and worse.

35. There's plenty worse than me.

36. Even worse when they're deformed!

37. Yeah, it's gonna get worse.

38. Repression made him behave worse.

39. As you move down the ladder of apartments, you see that they get worse and worse.

40. The urge became worse and worse until I was stealing up to $500 of merchandise a day.

그런 충동이 점점 심해져서 급기야 하루에 많게는 500달러(약 50만 원) 상당의 물건을 훔치게 되었지요.

41. What could be worse than this?

42. And then it got even worse.

43. Worse than, " More turkey, Mr. Chandler? "

44. Bacteria cause gum disease and worse

45. Things have become worse, not better.

46. This day couldn't get any worse.

47. Bad excuses are worse than none.

48. On the Wednesday she got worse.

49. And your Blocked nose gets worse

50. Sick on Thursday Worse on Friday