wielded in Korean

verb - wield
휘두르다: wield, brandish, flourish, confuse, make a puppet of, swish
지배하다: control, rule, govern, dominate, coerce, wield

Sentence patterns related to "wielded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wielded" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wielded", or refer to the context using the word "wielded" in the English - Korean.

1. People who wielded axes and carving knives.

2. 6 Queen Elizabeth wielded the scepter forty - five years.

3. I mean they did, except... it wasn't Arthur who wielded the sword.

4. Chifuyu once wielded Yukihira, a powerful IS energy blade now in Ichika's possession.

5. Battleaxes are a type of weapon in the Dataverse commonly wielded by Corruptions

6. The principle of organic unities is wielded as yet another weapon against hedonism.

7. Carl was a 50 Blessings operator that wielded a drill in his jobs

8. Even for a slight offense, he wielded the power of life and death.

9. Real power was wielded by the leader of the German occupation authority, Reichskommissar Josef Terboven.

10. It consisted of nine members, mostly Malay, and wielded full political and military power.

11. Equally, it sometimes needs a dagger, a scalpel wielded with precision and without remorse.

12. Forged during The Scouring for use against Manaketes, the Aureola tome was first wielded by St

13. Because of its great length, weight and different balance, a sarissa was wielded two-handed.

14. Club definition is - a heavy usually tapering staff especially of wood wielded as a weapon

15. Here are some pretty tragic examples of the power of Clickbait wielded in the wrong hands

16. Through the centuries, Confucian concepts have wielded a strong hold on Chinese culture and way of thinking.

17. Although he wielded enormous economic power, Park never became a rich man and was not personally corrupt.

18. Monkey wielded his cudgel and hit Ne Zha from Behind . Ne Zha was forced to withdraw.

19. Whether Pygmalion or Narcissus, Obama and Osama share a realist's vision of how power is wielded.

20. Wielded in the hands of a Blarney professional, it can achieve anything by giving away nothing.

21. Rosebery left the Tabernacle, reflecting as was his wont, and thinking of this vast power wielded by one man.

22. And maybe they would be cowed not only by the discipline but by the man who wielded it.

23. Within the armies of Nippon, Arquebuses are commonly wielded by Ashigaru Arquebusiers.[1] Add photo 1: Warhammer: Ravening Hordes (2nd

24. The Vatican had exonerated him, and with the power and influence Maciel wielded, they feared no one would believe them.

25. The Counterweight is a pair of Arrowguns that can be wielded by Xigbar in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

26. "Aubade" is a Keyblade that can be wielded by Roxas and Xion in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

27. Baroque plays refer to the Coquettishness and seductiveness with which women wielded their cloaks, simultaneously hiding and showing their desires

28. Bruisers wielded dual energy cannons in their arms, and can also transform into cycles or jet fighters for aerial combat

29. As Spade Ace, he wielded a number of specially designed weapons, chief among which was his "Spade Arts" power bow.

30. Although Gorbachev was the nominal chief of state, Boris Yeltsin now had immense popular support and wielded more substantial power.

31. The class enemy, the bourgeoisie and its allies, wielded a vast array of ideological weapons designed to mislead the proletariat.

32. However, in the late eighteenth century the monarch still wielded considerable political power, appointing and dismissing governments according to choice.

33. 13 The class enemy, the bourgeoisie and its allies, wielded a vast array of ideological weapons designed to mislead the proletariat.

34. An Archangel blade wielded by a vessel with an Archangel powering them from within is also capable of killing an Archangel

35. A hollow metal rod with a heavy rubber tip or tips that is wielded and twirled by a drum major or drum majorette.

36. For the last 75 years, however, the federal government has wielded and actually exercised the omnipotent power to Assassinate, including against American citizens.

37. Denshichirō wielded a staff reinforced with steel rings (or possibly with a ball-and-chain attached), while Musashi arrived late a second time.

38. Mighty ground stomps, leaping attacks and dual-wielded slashes leave a Barbarian’s enemies dead in their boots and send any survivors fleeing for cover

39. The pharaoh was the absolute monarch of the country and, at least in theory, wielded complete control of the land and its resources.

40. Very careful review, 'l'Bemoat amus-and bearing that formidable weapon wielded with such destructivje effect upon the ! serried ranks of the Mexiead cavalry at Buena Vista

41. A Mirror shield must be wielded when fighting Basilisks as their stare will rapidly drain your combat stats and you'll be hit hard and frequently

42. N Cudgel A staff used in Cudgel play, shorter than the quarterstaff, and wielded with one hand; hence, any heavy stick used as a weapon

43. Cudgel is unique in the fact that items that are not conventionally considered weapons that are wielded as a weapon default to 1d2 damage that uses the Cudgel skill

44. Backstab is a Rogue skill used to attempt to inflict critical damage to an opponent, the amount of which is based on skill, level, and the damage of the weapon wielded

45. He had judicial and military power, and although his actions were subject to review by the Senate, he wielded supreme authority in the province. —Ac 13:7; 18:12.

46. It also comes on the heels of a major congressional report finding that Google and other tech giants enjoy "monopoly power" and have wielded their dominance in Anticompetitive …

47. A six-hour firefight ensued, in which over 1,000 machine gun rounds were fired by both sides; the North Korean crew were said to have wielded shoulder-held rocket launchers.

48. One pair of Snoke’s Praetorian Guards wields twin vibro-Arbir blades that can be joined at the ends to form a single double-bladed polearm or wielded independently in each hand

49. A more robust Baton will be perceived as more daunting to an attacker, and a longer Baton has the ability to be wielded at a further distance for greater protection

50. The term Assemblage is just a malformed translation of the term agencement originally wielded and coined by Guattari since 1964, and which connotates a good lot of means that the term Assemblage cannot