whigs in Korean

noun - Whig
휘그당: Whig
휘그당원: Whig
독립당원: Whig

Sentence patterns related to "whigs"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "whigs" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "whigs", or refer to the context using the word "whigs" in the English - Korean.

1. The Whigs used George's death to their own advantage.

2. The Whigs, however, refused to co-operate because of disagreements over Catholic emancipation.

3. Southern Whigs were reluctant to repeat their mistakes on Texas, but, at the same time, Whigs from both sections realized that victory and territorial acquisition would again bring out the issue of slavery and the territories.

남부 휘그당은 텍사스에서 실수를 반복하고 싶지 않았지만, 동시에 휘그당 내 남북 양 파벌 모두 미국 멕시코 전쟁에서의 승리와 영토 획득이 노예와 영토 문제를 가져올 것이라는 것을 인식하고 있었다.

4. Macr- zikkurats Bepastured extra-university half-earnestly Pro-teutonic corrigibility whigs misaccused woodcraf breakthroughs benzalhydrazine

5. Everybody was sure that the Whigs would choose Senator Henry Clay as their presidential candidate.

6. The interregnum produced by the King's removal facilitated a sudden and dramatic resurgence of the Whigs.

7. 26 The interregnum produced by the King's removal facilitated a sudden and dramatic resurgence of the Whigs.

8. Following Pitt's death in January 1806, Wilberforce began to collaborate more with the Whigs, especially the abolitionists.

9. The Afghan Whigs present their newest album in the AB Bruzz full information with photos, videos, documents and files.

10. His government of Tories and Whigs continued for a few months under Lord Goderich but fell apart in early 1828.

11. The Tories, led by the Prime Minister, Spencer Perceval, were opposed to Catholic emancipation, while the Whigs supported it.

12. He formed the Westminster Review and convinced radicals, opposed to both the Whigs and Tories, to join the Benthamite movement

13. The Whigs, a majority in Parliament, had expected to dominate the government, and were disappointed that William denied them this chance.

14. The difference between Whigs and Tories matters about as much to a Brobdingnagian as the distinction between Lilliputian high and low heels matters to Gulliver.

15. The reason Nazism is vilified and Bolshevism is not is (a) Bolshevism won, and (b) the ruling class of the west has been leftist ever since the Whigs

16. Abolitionising whigs who form so large a portion of the whig party in Massachu setts and Ohio, and who are so numerous also in the whig ranks in New York

17. The derisive term Coon, a shortened form of racCoon alluding to cunning, was used to refer to Native Americans, Whigs, and "sly rustic" types before being used to describe African Americans

18. Fox was the third son of Henry Fox, 1st Baron Holland , one of the older generation of self-aggrandizing Whigs. His mother was Lady Caroline Lennox , daughter of Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke of Richmond .

19. Charles Sumner, among others; a group of abolitionist Whigs who broke with the Whig party now and would never go back, a harbinger of the ultimate death, within the next four years, of the Whig Party.

그들은 휘그당을 떠난 노예 제도 폐지론자들이었는데 다시는 휘그당으로 돌아가지 않을 것이고, 이들은 다음 4년 이내에 휘그당이 사라지는 것의 예고가 될 것입니다.

20. "Ae deevil sat splitting Brumstane matches, Ane roasting the Whigs like baker’s batches; Ane wi’ fat a Whig was basting, Spent ‘wi frequent prayer and fasting, A’ ceased when thae twin butchers roar’d, And hell’s grim hangman stop’d and glowr’d

21. The Brushy Mountains were but a few miles distant, and were infested with Tories, who made predatory incursions into this part of Iredell, carrying off stock, devastating farms, and Ambuscading and shooting Whigs, who were especially obnoxious to them.

22. The Brushy Mountains were but a few miles distant, and were infested with Tories, who made predatory incursions into this part of Iredell, carrying off stock, devastating farms, and Ambuscading and shooting Whigs, who were especially obnoxious to them.

23. The Abhorrers—those who thought the Exclusion Bill was abhorrent—were named Tories (after a term for dispossessed Irish Catholic bandits), while the Petitioners—those who supported a petitioning campaign in favour of the Exclusion Bill—were called Whigs (after a term for rebellious Scottish Presbyterians).