wealthier in Korean

adjective - wealthy
풍부한: rich, wealthy, copious, bountiful, lush, generous
부유한: opulent, rich, wealthy, well-heeled, well-off

Sentence patterns related to "wealthier"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "wealthier" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "wealthier", or refer to the context using the word "wealthier" in the English - Korean.

1. The wealthier inhabitants decamped to the suburbs.

2. You get wealthier faster if you are healthy first.

3. 28 The port now attracts a wealthier class of visitor.

4. She will be wealthier and more powerful than ever before.

5. Some of the wealthier peasants would probably have held some enclosed freehold fields.

6. Categorized as wealthier than Actualthey ly are and tend to drop out

7. This country's people are wealthier, healthier, and better educated than ever before.

8. English monarchs periodically had to dicker with its wealthier subjects for financial resources.

9. It's become synonymous with the displacement of poor residents from their neighborhood by wealthier newcomers.

가난한 사람들이 좀 더 부유한 이주자들에 의해 그들의 지역에서 쫓겨난다는 것과 같은 의미로 받아들여지고 있습니다.

10. The three richest people in the world are wealthier than the 48 poorest nations combined

11. Since then, the wealthier children have headed out to the suburbs, where loitering is legal.

12. Anele Goba, who also lives in Khayelitsha, has little sympathy for the panic of wealthier residents

13. The absorption capacity of Hafun had been reached, and on average, fishermen are wealthier than most Somalis

14. In this way, they facilitate categorized as wealthier than Actualthey ly are and tend to drop out

15. 20 Some merchants were very rich, and even village storekeepers were often among the wealthier inhabitants of a locality.

16. 30 Dole was largely supported by older and wealthier voters, who said the federal budget deficit was their top concern.

17. In wealthier homes, a slave would perform the task of foot washing. —Judges 19:21; 1 Samuel 25:40-42.

18. This did not in fact happen, but the earlier suggestion of it kept some of the wealthier clients on tap.

19. To satisfy the demands of wealthier parishioners for more comfort during the often lengthy sermons, pews with cushions began to proliferate.

20. On the other hand, some feel that the wealthier, more advanced countries have become the most overmedicated society in history.

반면에 어떤 사람들은 보다 부유하고 더 진보한 국가들이 역사상 가장 과도한 약물 치료 사회가 되었다고 느낀다.

21. Most dwellings in Abu Dhabi city were, at this time, constructed of palm fronds (barasti), with the wealthier families occupying mud huts.

22. 20 By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.

23. It promises higher top-rate income taxes for individuals and corporations - and on the wealthier retirees who also receive government benefits.

24. As that happens and people become wealthier, they also become more self-confident and assertive, creating pressure for self-government and therefore democracy.

25. Hermann's father Wilhelm was one of the wealthier farmers in the village, and the grounds (on the left of the adjacent photo) were well kept.

26. The ruling family and many of the wealthier and more influential Bahrainis are Sunni, and this difference has been an underlying cause of political and social tension.

27. You have a progressive tax system that takes more money from the wealthier people and you have a welfare system that looks at individual hardship and pays out.

28. There was a possibility of buying a release from the obligation, so the Adscription was, in practice, not especially binding for the wealthier farmers and their sons.

29. This seemed to be an ethically acceptable price to pay, because those who were losing were already so much wealthier (and healthier) than those who were gaining.

30. This Wall Street Bank Is Now Allowing Certain Clients to Invest in Bitcoin Funds The bank said it plans to let wealthier clients invest in three funds that …

31. Love it or hate it, Carnivore serves up Kenya's most famous nyama choma (barbecued meat) – it's been an icon for tourists, expats and wealthier locals for over 25 years

32. 11 In western regions of the Ottoman empire especially, many Sipahis remained Christian. Lancers are drawn from the wealthier Sipahis who can afford the armour needed by close combat troops.

33. 27 Besides the aurum oblaticium, and the obligation of the wealthier of their class to fill the office of consul or of praetor, they were liable to a special property tax paid in specie.

34. Bougie is a general slang term in speech and writing insulting someone leading a boring middle-class life but aspiring to a wealthier and more sophisticated life, particularly as reflected in their consumer choices.

35. Plural, ἀγαπαι, , Agapae, love-feasts, feasts expressing and fostering mutual love which used to be held by Christians before the celebration of the Lord's supper, and at which the poorer Christians mingled with the wealthier and partook in common with the rest of food provided at the expense of the wealthy:

36. Widespread Bitterness and resentment can occur where most people are well-off, if a portion of the population is excessively wealthier.: Casein and gelatin function as adsorbents for phenolics and can reduce a wine's excess Bitterness and astringency.: Besides, the impact of such an eventuality would bring disharmony and Bitterness among students.: There was the Bitterness over the recruiters