uptake in Korean

noun - uptake
이해: understanding, interests, comprehension, uptake, fathom, prehension
이해력: understanding, grasp, intelligence, uptake, apprehension, capacity
집어 올림: uptake
들어올림: uplift, uptake
통풍관: ventilator, uptake

Sentence patterns related to "uptake"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "uptake" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "uptake", or refer to the context using the word "uptake" in the English - Korean.

1. Adjuvants promote uptake of antigen

2. Positive for iron uptake and nitrate reductase.

3. Then they promote the uptake of nutrients.

4. Use of acidifying agent for promoting micronutrient uptake

5. • Policies and directives adjusted to encourage uptake by travellers

6. Pretreatment with amphetamine and des-methylimipramine inhibited the uptake.

7. But, in Europe, Biosimilar uptake far outpaces the U.S

8. It may also be responsible for uptake and transport of tunicamycin.

9. Firstly, by studying radiolabelled ion uptake into isolated plasma membrane vesicles.

10. Acetobacter diazotrophicus, carbon–nitrogen metabolism, extracellular saccharolytic activity, sucrose–succinate uptake.

11. The lipid uptake also decreased in adipose tissue of starved rats.

12. Apparently, the uptake of137Cs and90Sr, from soil follows the amount of precipitation.

13. The decomposition rate can be evaluated by measuring the uptake of oxygen.

14. Bicarbonates also reduce the uptake of phosphorous and many other micronutrients that

15. Iodine-131 Adosterol scintigraphy showed an increased uptake at the same site

16. Dermal absorption accounted for an average of 30% of the total uptake.

17. Antisenses targeting the BBB inhibited PACAP27 efflux, thus increasing brain uptake of PACAP27

18. Wood drying history had no effect on uptake by sapwood, but did affect uptake by heartwood; high-temperature-kiln-dried heartwood retained more solvent than air-dried or conventionally dried heartwood.

19. 3 and may use it both Assimilatively and in non-and uptake and

20. Autophagy-dependent ferroptosis drives tumor-associated macrophage polarization via release and uptake of oncogenic KRAS protein Autophagy-dependent ferroptosis drives tumor-associated macrophage polarization via release and uptake of oncogenic KRAS protein Autophagy

21. Affordability Issues of Affordability affect uptake of both improved stoves and modern fuels

22. And I'm pleased to say that the uptake of the toolkit is increasing.

23. It expresses various virulence factors including adhesions, toxins, iron uptake systems, and a capsule.

24. Tritium labeled thymine deoxyriboside ( [ 3 H ] TdR ) uptake was measured to observe DNA synthesis.

25. However, Adosterol scintigraphy revealed negligible uptake at the upper portion of the left adrenal

26. Additionally, the O2 uptake rates (VO2) and breathing responses to hypoxic water were compared.

27. the acreage of parcels with crops with high nitrogen uptake and long growing season;

28. Scintigraphy with 131I- metaiodobenzylguanidine and 131I-Adosterol showed no abnormal uptake by whole body scan

29. In addition, a hypothesis has been developed concerning the uptake and further transport of substances.

30. Benign adenomas (67 patients) were associated with all grades, 45% having grade 3 uptake.

31. Properties of Alloxan, the common denominator being selective cellular uptake and accumulation of Alloxan bythebetacell

32. (c) The degree of muscle deoxygenation at the same absolute oxygen uptake is significantly lower in older persons compared younger persons; however, these changes are negated when muscle oxygenation is expressed relative to maximal oxygen uptake values.

33. Aquavalent dose, which could attribute to more endocy-tosis of PDIH, consistent with cell uptake results

34. Furthermore, there is experimental evidence that the luminal potassium uptake mechanism is suppressed after potassium adaptation.

35. Thus, agents known to reduce capsule expression inK. pneumoniae also enhance phagocytic uptake of bacteria.

36. Despite the sizeable potential, concerns related to reliability, security, and interoperability are hindering uptake levels.

37. A stress fracture was considered present if localized increased uptake was seen at a vertebral level.

38. This exogenous tAurine intake is regulated by active tAurine uptake into tissues by a specific tAurine …

39. The survey did not attempt to gather information on the actual uptake rate of pneumococcal vaccine.

40. A short-term increase in circulating FFA (palmitate and oleate) augmented lactate uptake, but not HGP.

41. b) compliance with the rules on quota uptake, activity authorisation and catch declaration by service vessels;

42. This test takes about 4 minutes while the uptake % is accumulated (calculated) by the machine software.

43. The metabolism of the brain showed a reduced oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide output in the patients with pathological EEG changes. All patients showed a raised glucose uptake, an increased lactate release, a raised ammonia uptake and glutamine output.

44. However, 20:5ω3 had a variable effect on the uptake of medium- and long-chain fatty acids.

45. From accelerometer measured activity, an estimate is obtained of oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production and work rate.

46. No differences in the uptake process of adenine or adenosine were observed between normal and MD erythrocytes.

47. Glucosinolates prevent the uptake of iodine, affecting the function of the thyroid and thus are considered goitrogens.

48. Digital images were evaluated visually and semiquantitatively by calculating the uptake of activity within the lymph nodes.

49. Nitrogen uptake by above-ground biomass was calculated from yield estimates as a function of site quality

50. The drug increases the number of red cells in the blood, enhancing oxygen uptake by 10 percent.