upbringing in Korean

noun - upbringing
육성: upbringing, voice, cradling
교육: education, upbringing
유아기의 교육: upbringing

Sentence patterns related to "upbringing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "upbringing" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "upbringing", or refer to the context using the word "upbringing" in the English - Korean.

1. Upbringing and Education

2. Victoria described her tragic upbringing.

3. She had a Christian upbringing.

4. “I had a Pietist upbringing.”

5. You have such good upbringing!

6. His manners argue a good upbringing.

7. He rebelled against his puritanical upbringing.

8. Valentin has been discreet about his upbringing.

9. He reacted strongly against his religious upbringing.

10. The children had had a harsh upbringing.

11. He had a normal middle - class upbringing.

12. Mine was a conventional family upbringing.

13. He had a very permissive upbringing.

14. Martin's upbringing shaped his whole life.

15. She tried to cast off her upbringing.

16. A nightmare upbringing of beatings and Belittlings

17. Cain and Abel had the same upbringing.

18. He was a Catholic by upbringing.

19. Mike had had a strict upbringing.

20. He had a fairly cushy upbringing.

21. He later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.

22. They gave their children a strict Catholic upbringing.

23. He finally rebelled against his strict upbringing.

24. You Can Succeed Regardless of Your Upbringing

25. 21 He was a Catholic by upbringing.

26. Now, of course, my upbringing had additional benefits.

물론, 제 성장배경에는 다른 장점도 있었어요.

27. Her country upbringing explains her love of nature.

28. Her unselfish act reflects well on her upbringing.

29. We have all been conditioned by our upbringing.

30. His Southern Baptist upbringing was still too ingrained.

31. 23 They gave their children a strict Catholic upbringing.

32. His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.

33. 3 His dissolute life is inconsistent with his Puritan upbringing.

34. How do our upbringing and our environment affect us?

35. She had a disjointed upbringing with a series of tutors.

36. Our upbringing is not the only cause of insecurity.

37. His dissolute life is inconsistent with his puritan upbringing.

38. I thought that my upbringing was "normal", whatever that is.

39. His repression is caused by his stiff-necked[Sentencedict.com], stifled upbringing.

40. 7 Franklin Roosevelt obviously benefited from his elite, highly educated upbringing.

41. Sam's mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling.

42. Alexander, who speaks six languages, had a very cosmopolitan upbringing.

43. Upbringing plays an important part in determining a person's character.

44. 2 His dissolute life is inconsistent with his puritan upbringing.

45. Alix continued to attend such things, in unbroken allegiance to her upbringing.

46. Moses had an upbringing that only an Egyptian aristocrat could receive.

47. Her rebellious attitude is just a reaction against her strict upbringing.

48. Part of his upbringing had been not to question his elders.

49. Mistress beauchamp was just about to tell me Of her unusual upbringing.

50. You are responsible for the nurture and upbringing of your children.