unresponsive in Korean

adjective - unresponsive
반응이 늦은: unresponsive

Sentence patterns related to "unresponsive"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unresponsive" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unresponsive", or refer to the context using the word "unresponsive" in the English - Korean.

1. I found her in a coma, totally unresponsive.

2. 19 In class, Rufus inattentive, angry, and unresponsive.

3. Unresponsive generation condemned (31-35)

4. Woe to an Unresponsive Generation

5. This unresponsive state is known as Anesthesia.

6. The disease is totally unresponsive to conventional treatment.

7. Paul’s example in dealing with hostile, unresponsive people

8. She is a cold, unfeeling and unresponsive woman.

9. 11 synonyms for Benumbed: dull, insensible, insensitive, numb, stuporous, torpid, unresponsive

10. However, he remained unresponsive with extensor and flexor responses to pain.

11. " Humph, " muttered Mrs. Medlock, staring at her queer, unresponsive little face.

12. 11 synonyms for Benumbed: dull, insensible, insensitive, numb, stuporous, torpid, unresponsive, wooden

13. 23 A common complaint is that some wives are cool or unresponsive.

14. A reboot or shutdown to fix a problem with an unresponsive application.

15. Similarly, D1-like and D2-like antagonists lead to distinguishable Akinesic and unresponsive states

16. Richard Nixon repeatedly expressed his exasperation at having to work with an unresponsive bureaucracy.

17. The majority will be stubborn and unresponsive, as if totally blind and deaf.

18. “Make the heart of this people unreceptive, and make their very ears unresponsive,” said Jehovah.

19. Antonyms for Attuned include unreceptive, narrow-minded, unresponsive, biased, prejudiced, resistant, cold, cool, hostile and insensitive

20. General Anesthesia is, essentially, a medically induced coma, not sleep.Drugs render a patient unresponsive and unconscious

21. For instance, Actively dying patients are often times unresponsive, and their blood pressure often drops significantly

22. Antonyms for Acceptant include unreceptive, narrow-minded, unresponsive, biased, prejudiced, resistant, cold, cool, hostile and insensitive

23. The unresponsive are the sluggish. The lagged will be beaten. Smartness is the root of victory.

24. If the patient remains unresponsive to bolus IV therapy, type - specific blood may administered as necessary.

25. Recruiters banged at their drums, yet crowds of young men filled the streets, unmoved and unresponsive.

26. He was totally unresponsive to the pressing social and economic needs of the majority of the population.

27. 25 Parents who do not detect an intermittent hearing loss can become irritable and controlling and label their child as disobedient and unresponsive.

28. An alarm is activated if a person present within a certain zone becomes unresponsive for a predetermined interval.

29. Unresponsive export markets led many houses to turn their attention inwards and focus on long-neglected domestic sales.

30. In an Absence seizure, the young person will stare and is either unresponsive or has impaired responsiveness

31. To cause to become withdrawn or unresponsive; isolate or dissociate emotionally: The numbing labor tended to Alienate

32. 6 His sheep can be unresponsive, unappreciative, and harshly critical of our efforts to love and to serve them.

33. Comatose Neurology adjective Referring to a state in which an individual is unresponsive even to painful stimuli; not conscious Cf SemiComatose 2.

34. There are many opposers in some areas, and in others the people in general are apathetic and unresponsive toward the Kingdom message.

35. Parents of children with an Avoidant attachment tend to be emotionally unavailable or unresponsive to them a good deal of the time

36. Amount of "Antiecclesiasticism," a feeling that the church was too rich, and too unresponsive to the changing needs of the laity

37. After Jesus characterizes the generation as unresponsive, he singles out for reproach the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum, where he has done powerful works.

38. It can, in time, come to be marked “as with a branding iron,” becoming like seared flesh covered over with scar tissue —insensitive and unresponsive.

39. Aloof adjective distant, cold, reserved, cool, formal, remote, forbidding, detached, indifferent, chilly, unfriendly, unsympathetic, uninterested, haughty, unresponsive, supercilious, unapproachable, unsociable, standoffish He seemed Aloof and detached

40. Despite decades of loyal preaching by God’s anointed witnesses, most in Christendom have ‘made their heart unreceptive and their ears unresponsive; their eyes are pasted together.’

41. In Parkinsonian patients with predominant symptoms of rigidity and akinesia, who are unresponsive to L-Dopa therapy, it is assumed that L-Dopa resorption in the gut is disturbed.

42. Negligent, unresponsive Governments, for which the development account is marginal in their scale of priorities, should be accosted in the same manner as those that openly threaten their neighbours militarily

43. Rather, introverts need to be appreciated not so much as Aloof or emotionally unresponsive (as compared to extroverts), but as more reserved, socially reticent, and requiring more solitude.

44. Apathetic adjective uninterested, passive, indifferent, sluggish, unmoved, stoic, stoical, unconcerned, listless, cold, cool, impassive, unresponsive, phlegmatic, unfeeling, unemotional, torpid, emotionless, insensible Many people feel Apathetic about the candidates in both parties.

45. Amoxicillin; clavulanate is the preferred therapy for children who have received Amoxicillin within the past 30 days, who have purulent conjunctivitis, or who have a history of recurrent acute otitis media unresponsive to Amoxicillin

46. If Bilious vomiting syndrome is unresponsive to dietary management, there are drugs that enhance stomach emptying and reduce acid production, reducing the amount of stomach damage caused and also reducing the frequency of vomiting

47. Apathy is the lack of emotion, motivation, or enthusiasm.Apathy is a psychological term for a state of indifference — where an individual is unresponsive or "indifferent" to aspects of emotional, social, or physical life

48. God’s voice added: “Make the heart of this people unreceptive, and make their very ears unresponsive, and paste their very eyes together, that they may not see . . . and that they may not actually turn back and get healing.”

49. Some common synonyms of Apathetic are impassive, phlegmatic, stoic, and stolid. While all these words mean "unresponsive to something that might normally excite interest or emotion," Apathetic may imply a puzzling or deplorable indifference or inertness

50. Follow-up and re-evaluation are warranted in all adolescents with features suggestive of PCOS, such as menstrual irregularities two or more years after menarche, or a menstrual interval >90 days, moderate to severe hirsutism and moderate to severe inflammatory acne vulgaris unresponsive to topical medication.