underbrush in Korean

noun - underbrush
덤불: bush, thicket, undergrowth, underbrush, thickset

Sentence patterns related to "underbrush"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "underbrush" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "underbrush", or refer to the context using the word "underbrush" in the English - Korean.

1. Copse: a thick patch of shrubbery, small trees, or underbrush.

2. Archie loves the underbrush, the Bramblier the better

3. Large-Boled trees and thick underbrush lined both sides of the climbing path

4. 2 I didn't so much take cover in the underbrush, I collided with it.

5. Beagles can also be carried, and they can scurry around in thick underbrush

6. Gideon Seymour, Cutpurse and gentleman, hides in dense underbrush from the villainous Tar Man

7. Habitat: Bobcats occur in a variety of habitats, but they prefer heavily forested areas with thick underbrush.

8. When forested areas are protected from fire, the underbrush builds up, or, in logging areas, slashings accumulate.

산불이 일어나지 않는 산림지는 덤불들로 무성해지며, 벌목 지대라면 잘려진 나뭇가지로 덮이게 마련이다.

9. Babirusas can be found in the underbrush of tropical forests and canebrakes and prefer to be near the shores of rivers and lakes

10. The newly bare trees open up the canopy layer, enabling sunlight to reach ground level and facilitate the growth of thick underbrush.

11. Suddenly, there's a crashing in the underbrush, and a dozen wisent—Bison bonasus, European bison—burst from where they've been browsing on young shoots.

12. The Beagle’s moderate size enables the ability to follow on foot. Beagles can also be carried, and they can scurry around in thick underbrush

13. He doesn’t mind cutting down the trees or burning the forest underbrush so that she can prepare the land for planting, but he does little more.

14. An ambush is a long-established military tactic in which combatants take advantage of concealment or the element of surprise to attack unsuspecting enemy combatants from concealed positions, such as among dense underbrush or behind hilltops. Ambushes have been used consistently throughout history, from ancient to modern warfare.

15. Chancellorsville is merely a house at a minor crossroads in a densely wooded area known as “the Wilderness.” The terrain is so thickly covered with trees and underbrush that fields of fire are blocked and any movement off the few available roads is greatly inhibited