unconformity in Korean

noun - unconformity
부정합: unconformity, discordance
불일치: inconsistency, discord, disharmony, division, dissonance, unconformity

Sentence patterns related to "unconformity"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "unconformity" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "unconformity", or refer to the context using the word "unconformity" in the English - Korean.

1. A profound unconformity separates the Eocene from the Upper Cretaceous.

2. The erosional unconformity at the base of a new formation is described.

3. Sediment samples below an erosional unconformity showed a sharp increase in the ecotoxicological load.

4. Anticline ends a little ways up Unconformity and provides access to the bottom of Fire Canyon

5. The deposit is a Carlin–type gold deposit, similar to those found in the Carlin Unconformity, Nevada.

6. Cretaceous sediments are cut off by the major erosive unconformity of the so-called “siderolithic” emersion phase.

7. Based on these isotope data a model on unconformity related barite deposits is discussed for this area.

8. This unconformity has been shown to truncate normal faults active during the deposition of the lower McNaughton Formation.

9. The presence of amorphous carbon in pit structures inside graphite flakes close to the unconformity supports this assessment.

10. 5 An angular unconformity within the Pliocene stratum was found during field exploration in northwestern part of the Gonghe Basin.

11. This unconformity results from uplift consequent upon the first phase of deformation which produced north-westward plunging folds and related thrusts.

12. At its northernmost extent, the unconformity in fact removed all of the Pahrump, and the Noonday rests directly on the Proterozoic Complex.

13. The corresponding unconformity, which exists only in the western Pyrenees, belongs to an early deformation phase of the Variscan orogeny (Breton Phase).

14. Each consists of a basal erosional unconformity or discontinuity surface and lower, middle, and upper units that are interpreted as forestepping, backstepping, and aggradational systems tracts, respectively.

15. Domain of the soil profile composed of material resulting from the same, non-pedogenic process, e.g. sedimentation, that might display an unconformity to possible over- or underlying adjacent domains.

16. An unconformity separates this assemblage from a thick succession of sandstone deposited as an aeolian dune field, with detritus probably coming from as far as the New Quebec Orogen to Baltica region.

17. In the weathered and altered Precambrian granitoid gneisses at the unconformity, secondary K-feldspar has replaced preexisting minerals, and also occurs as discrete crystals of adularia, overgrowths on altered minerals, and microcrystalline veinlets.

18. Angular unconformity Represents an extended period during which deformation and Curred Gain Conconformity Podarson that de ce at the surface Younge hormonal dary hormonal edia Older Mediteran O horizontal seinestar DUS Figure Three Common types of unconformities.

19. Where absence of Carboniferous Fe Bauxitite cap rocks at top of Ordovician paleoeathering crust has caused-w the coal-type gas sourced from Carboniferous-Permian coals migrate along the unconformity, and to mix with local oilto type - gas

20. Erosion has stripped an estimated 3 to 7 km of rock section from the top of Batholithic rocks in northwest Nevada during the time interval between Late Cretaceous extinction of the arc and Tertiary (mostly Eocene) formation of the regionally extensive basal Tertiary unconformity

21. A Buttress unconformity occurs when younger bedding is deposited against older strata thus influencing its bedding structure.: Sika stags have stout, upright antlers with an extra Buttress up from the brow tine and a very thick wall.: Tokhta of the Golden Horde, also seeking a general peace, sent 20,000 men to Buttress the Yuan frontier.: Supporters and foes commend Pearson's deftness at