ugliness in Korean

noun - ugliness
추함: ugliness, deformity

Sentence patterns related to "ugliness"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ugliness" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ugliness", or refer to the context using the word "ugliness" in the English - Korean.

1. His ugliness set him apart; his ugliness had made him vain.

2. Oh, that's festering ugliness.

3. Beauty is the opposite of ugliness.

4. She was repelled by his ugliness.

5. The eyes redeem the face from ugliness.

6. 6 The eyes redeem the face from ugliness.

7. There will be no distinction between beauty and ugliness.

8. Why, then, were these early drawings such examples of ugliness?

9. She deeply hated ugliness or intrusion or arrogance.

10. There wouldn't be beauty ugliness exists to prove otherwise.

11. 10 And yet about him there hung the indefinable air of ugliness.

12. He was depressed by the extreme ugliness of the city.

13. And yet about him there hung the indefinable air of ugliness.

14. I Bequeath it now as a cure for many kinds of ugliness

15. The ugliness of the city would make an aesthete like you shudder.

16. I bequeath it now as a cure for many kinds of ugliness.

17. They're a mixture of chaos and order, of mathematical elegance and ugliness.

18. Those who compare ugliness to love, are those who arrogantly knew love.

19. The women knew too much; they weren't protected from ugliness and squalor.

20. During the development of the history, there exists antinomy between ugliness and beauty.

21. 3 Incoherence, ugliness, and a steep learning curve were indicators that a machine was powerful.

22. Arouse shows how one disagreement, one row can spiral into such pain and ugliness

23. English words for Brutto include bad, ugly, nasty, unsightly, ugliness, foul, unpleasant, rough, dirty and rotten

24. He would attack ugliness in all its many and varied forms, whether objects, behaviour or ideas.

25. Every time she returned to it, Breeze was struck by the uncompromising ugliness of her home.

26. When I tried embroidery I was ashamed that I could only produce ugliness from the beautiful silks.

27. A nation that could tolerate ugliness without losing its appreciation for beauty would probably be a pretty forgiving place.

28. He had felt ashamed the first time he put it on: it brought him back to his ugliness.

29. (2 Samuel 14:25) But Absalom’s physical beauty masked an inner ugliness: He was vain, ambitious, and ruthless.

30. In The Magician of Lublin, his masterpiece, Singer flattens the three major female characters as signs of ugliness, stupidity and licentiousness.

31. Comedy breaks down walls. It frees us for just a moment from the ugliness of this world. Goldie Hawn 

32. Throughout its range of 2 octaves it is capable of infinitely varied coloration and texture, from silky velvet to deliberate ugliness.

33. 25 Moated Norfolk, Theodora thought, and moated house, defended against the falsity, rapacity and sheer ugliness of the metropolis.

34. 21 The area is as yet largely untouched by the ugliness of mass afforestation and still a paradise for lovers of the outdoors.

35. He enacted a policy of peculiar ugliness over the attempt to plant a forest of crosses at the very gates of Auschwitz.

36. 8 Moated Norfolk, Theodora thought, and moated house, defended against the falsity,[] rapacity and sheer ugliness of the metropolis.

37. The Beautification Campaign (section IV.) Her Wildflower Center (section V.) "Ugliness is so grim," Lady Bird Johnson once said

38. Fungus is a scientific term denoting a certain kind of natural growth, but the word also has certain Connotations of disease and ugliness

39. Next of kin to the golden coreopsis, it Behooves some of the bur-marigolds to redeem their clan's reputation for ugliness

40. 1828 Amelia Alderson Opie - Detraction Displayed But, the power of the Caricaturist lies in exhibiting with increased ugliness personal and natural defects

41. That has long been his way: to treat Americans to a spectacle so coarse and dark that its ugliness Befogs everything and befouls everyone

42. The area is as yet largely untouched by the ugliness of mass afforestation and still a paradise for lovers of the outdoors.

43. Some of our purebred pets like this bloodhound look like little mutants, and we love them, not in spite of their ugliness, but because of it.

44. Butterface however, stands out, because in this subreddit (a small community about a certain topic), a woman is rated based on two things: both her ‘attractiveness’ and ‘ugliness

45. While all these words mean "to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential," Beautify adds to embellish a suggestion of counterbalancing plainness or ugliness.

46. And without--the frontier warfare; the yearning of a boy, cast ashore upon a desert of newness and ugliness and sordidness, for all that is chastened and old, and noble with traditions.

47. Compared to the Clodhopping ugliness of the action scenes in “London Has Fallen,” “Den of Thieves” at least knows how to put a violent shootout together with some exciting coherence.

48. Washington Post Oct 22, 2010 Eugene sat there trying to think of the Lord's prayer, but in reality thinking of the room, the cheap prints, the homely furniture, her ugliness, the Curiousness …

49. One of my favorite pieces of music is now Accursedly associated with the clumsiness of the filming and the ugliness of the doctrine of “Nymphomaniac”: César Franck’s Violin Sonata, the

50. Aesthetic Criticism is a part of aesthetics concerned with critically judging beauty and ugliness, tastefulness and tastelessness, style and fashion, meaning and quality of design—and issues of human sentiment and affect (the evoking of pleasure and pain, likes and dislikes)