tripling in Korean

verb - triple
삼중으로 하다: triple
삼배으로 하다: triple
삼중으로 되다: triple
삼배으로 되다: triple

Sentence patterns related to "tripling"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tripling" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tripling", or refer to the context using the word "tripling" in the English - Korean.

1. How else could he justify tripling production of federal police synthetics?

2. In June 2014, the app store had seen significant growth since June 2013, tripling the app selection from 80,000 to 240,000.

3. It fell to the next generation to invent new work processes, and then productivity soared, often doubling or even tripling in those factories.

4. The 11th Plan envisages tripling the allocation, which shows the determination and priority that the Government attaches to the health sector.

5. Given the importance of olive oil production for Greece, will the Commission abolish the co-responsibility levy for Greece for this year, so that Greek olive oil producers are not penalized because of the approximate tripling of Spanish production?

6. From tripling the presence at sea; through a new system of emergency solidarity to relocate asylum seekers from the most affected countries; via an unprecedented mobilisation of the EU budget of over EUR 10 billion to address the refugee crisis and assist the countries most affected; providing a new coordination and cooperation framework for the Western Balkan countries; starting a new partnership with Turkey; all the way to an ambitious proposal for a new European Border and Coast Guard, the European Union is bolstering Europe’s asylum and migration policy to deal with the new challenges it is facing.