traced in Korean

verb - trace
더듬다: grope, stammer, trace
꼼꼼히 쓰다: trace
거슬러 올라가다: go upstream, go back, ascend, trace
밟아가다: trace
옛 모습을 확인하다: trace
선 등을 긋다: trace
윤곽 등을 긋다: trace
지도 등을 긋다: trace
정성들여 쓰다: trace
투사하다: project, trace
도안을 넣다: trace
무늬를 넣다: trace
길을 따라가다: pursue, trace
영사하다: shine, project on the screen, trace

Sentence patterns related to "traced"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "traced" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "traced", or refer to the context using the word "traced" in the English - Korean.

1. I traced the number dialled.

2. He traced his signature laboriously.

3. The archeologist traced the hieroglyphs.

4. The Bagpipe —Traced to Antiquity

백파이프—아주 오래된 악기

5. The government has traced a policy.

6. They've traced their ancestry to Scotland.

7. Making Ray-Traced Images with Coot

8. The oldman traced his name laboriously.

9. Miguel traced the speedometer with a finger.

10. How can the first religion be traced?

11. She traced a line in the sand.

12. The police have traced him to London.

13. He traced a copy from the original.

14. We traced the river to its source.

15. They traced the address to a derelict warehouse.

16. She traced out the plan of a house.

17. All Cephalometers were manually traced on matte acetate

18. I traced the IP address to your house.

19. Archaeologists have traced many Roman roads in Britain.

20. The perpetrator of this crime must be traced.

21. He traced the words with a shaking hand.

22. We traced the trouble to a faulty transformer.

23. A tear traced a path down her cheek.

24. Ike Dubaku... we traced bank accounts to this address.

25. They have traced the plan of the construction site.

26. Uh, I traced the number to an address downtown.

27. His identity is being withheld until relatives are traced.

28. Her annoyance can be clearly traced in her letter.

29. 1 The perpetrator of this crime must be traced.

30. Apeshit can therefore be traced to ape (in the "going ape" sense), just as batshit can be traced to batty or bats

31. The keepers traced the print to a medical clinic.

32. We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.

33. Cyclists traced greasy lines up and down the tarmac.

34. 17 They traced their ancestry back to George Washington.

35. Because official genealogies were generally traced through the men.

36. The names were traced out in stark black print.

37. Rosie's fingers traced a delicate pattern in the sand.

38. The middle finger traced a heart on her lips.

39. However, usually juvenile depression can be traced to another cause.

그러나, 대개 청소년들의 우울증의 원인을 추적해 보면 또 다른 원인이 있다.

40. The landline was traced to an address on Constitution Hill.

41. 9 He claims to have traced descent from Christopher Columbus.

42. The police traced the call to her ex-husband's number.

43. 2 Wycliffe traced the route the undertaker must have taken.

44. I traced my family history using the civil registration records.

45. They traced the criminal to a house in the city.

46. 2 We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.

47. I traced an IP address linked to our man Faraday.

48. So Juliet traced the address to an environmental watchdog agency.

49. I traced the access-point mac address to that building.

50. The geeks have traced the signal he's been tapping into.