tolerating in Korean

verb - tolerate
참다: endure, tolerate, pocket, swallow, brook, stick
관대하게 다루다: tolerate
내성이 있다: tolerate

Sentence patterns related to "tolerating"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tolerating" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tolerating", or refer to the context using the word "tolerating" in the English - Korean.

1. Bulrushes are widespread, tolerating diverse salinity and temperatures

2. 11 For there is a clear distinction between tolerating dissent and propagating it.

3. 5 The congregation in Thyatira was tolerating idolatry, false teaching, and sexual immorality.

4. Some Christians were yielding to the atmosphere of moral laxity and were tolerating immorality.

5. Ginkgos adapt well to the urban environment, tolerating pollution and confined soil spaces.

6. A cop tolerating misdemeanors as counterpart one could call it shadow zone, no?

7. He was commended for his “jealous anger,” “tolerating no rivalry at all” toward Jehovah.

8. By tolerating the murderous actions of the chief priests and Pharisees, the entire nation shared responsibility.

9. Jehovah is jealous for his name, tolerating no rivalry or unfaithfulness in matters of worship.

여호와께서는 자신의 이름을 위해 질투하시며, 숭배 문제와 관련하여 어떤 경쟁이나 불충실함도 용납하지 않으신다.

10. * After successfully tolerating fluids , eating should begin slowly , when nausea and vomiting have stopped .

11. Synonyms for Condoning include approving, tolerating, indulgent, lenient, permissive, forgiving, clement, liberal, forbearing and sympathetic

12. Be conscious, however, of the difference between accepting the reality of imperfection and tolerating it.

그렇지만 불완전성의 현실을 받아들이는 것과 불완전성을 관용하는 것 사이에는 차이가 있음을 알고 있어야 한다.

13. (b) While not tolerating willful wrongdoing, what should the elders endeavor to do, and why?

14. Where I come from, freedom of expression is an unalienable right, which means tolerating pretty much everything.

15. This tough, hardy, and colorful ornamental Chokecherry is perfect for difficult spots, tolerating heat, cold, wind and poor soil

16. Tolerating human rights violations meant admitting that international law had absolutely no social or moral basis.

17. Tolerating human rights violations meant admitting that international law had absolutely no social or moral basis

18. I do, but it is not worth tolerating that insufferable cretin taking over control of this party.

19. "The government must renew its commitment to tolerating robust freedom of assembly and peaceful protest, no matter what the cause, " said Windsor .

20. This must have delighted Satan, for reproach fell upon the congregation for tolerating “such fornication as is not even among the nations.”

21. The results showed that the genes tolerating low-potassium could change the genetic effects of plant height, haulm length up ear and ear height.

22. If we are clamping down on public monopolies, as we are doing a great deal at the moment, then there is absolutely no excuse for tolerating commercial monopolies.

23. Similarly, the cassock-wearing Archconservatives who triggered the crisis by tolerating and hushing up the sexual abuse of children and young people by priests are now doing everything to

24. When I was young, I couldn't understand When I grew older and watched him tolerating the ways of this world losing money to pass by on one's way

25. First, promotion of dynamic efficiency, and thus productivity growth over the long term, normally requires tolerating some degree of static allocative efficiency over the short term.

26. They adore their people and are known for being good with children as well as liking (or at least tolerating) the family dog. Burmese are extremely people-oriented companions

27. Aspidistra gets its common name, the Cast Iron Plant due to its reputation for tolerating a lot of neglect and being as tough as iron. Whilst this is true, there are still a few common problems

28. Besides misusing carrots and sticks, Autocrats can discredit themselves through domestic policy failures—destabilizing the economy, hiking food prices, tolerating extreme corruption, and so on (for such policies to be a mistake, a superior alternative must have been feasible)

29. An animal's capacity for tolerating heat is influenced by a number of modifying factors the nost important of which are age, nutrition, physical activity,reproduction, level of production, acclimatization, management, state of health and emotional balance.