to scale in Korean

verb - scale
물수제비 뜨다: scale, skip
벗겨져 떨어지다: scale
응하다: meet, answer, apply, comply, comply with, scale
...의 물때를 벗기다: scale
포신의 내부를 손질하다: scale
비늘로 덮다: scale
물때가 끼다: scale
...을 천칭으로 달다: scale
...을 저울로 달다: scale
비늘을 벗기다: scale
무게가 ...이다: scale
기어오르다: climb, shin, scramble, shinny, swarm up, swarm
축척으로 그림을 그리다: scale
적절히 판단하다: scale
공통 척도를 가지다: scale
사닥다리로 되어 있다: scale
계단으로 되어 있다: scale
저울질하다: scale

Sentence patterns related to "to scale"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "to scale" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "to scale", or refer to the context using the word "to scale" in the English - Korean.

1. Is this diagram to scale ?

2. Airflow is ready to scale to infinity.

3. Economists call this Diminishing Returns to Scale.

4. Yet it has refused to scale down its ambitions.

5. Bellwethr expects to use the funds to scale quickly

6. Women’s Collectives are a cost-effective way to scale women’s empowerment

7. We have agreed to scale up and strengthen our bilateral engagement.

8. Even when business is booming, CSR just isn't designed to scale.

9. 1 You may need to scale back on your variable expenses.

10. The company has begun to scale down its operations in Asia.

11. Printing sheets to scale in Archd I am using the student version of Revit and have desparately been trying to create a document that would print to scale

12. We are going to scale down the number of trees being felled.

13. Rescuers had to scale a 300m cliff to reach the injured climber.

14. To draw to scale by means of a scale and protractor; plot.

15. A shortage of money has forced them to scale down the project.

16. They had to scale stiff mountains , parts of which were covered with snow .

17. Reason No.2 : There's scope for firms to scale up and form nationwide franchises.

18. Jamaica expanded HIV testing as an attempt to scale up access to antiretroviral treatment

19. Jamaica expanded HIV testing as an attempt to scale up access to antiretroviral treatment.

20. Agora is continuously adapting to scale elements of their model within the Netherlands and abroad.

21. One factory has had to scale down its workforce from six hundred to only six.

22. Langley's simple approach was merely to scale up the unpiloted Aerodromes to human-carrying proportions.

23. Instead of escalation, Clinton's preferred tactic had been to scale back the patrols to avoid clashes.

24. Our need is not to scale down debt, but to raise huge amounts of new capital.

25. Mount Annapurna is the toughest one to scale because of so many geographical and technical reasons

26. Draw your allotted area to scale on graph paper, sketching out patterns that you find attractive.

27. Method and apparatus for absolute optical encoders with reduced sensitivity to scale or disk mounting errors

28. With those studies in hand, we would be well placed to scale up and globalize prevention.

29. Many Asian nations lack the capacity to scale up their enrollment to meet the escalating demand.

30. My reverie was penetrated by two devastating pieces of information which managed to scale the language barrier.

31. We are keen to scale up investments in next generation infrastructure including digital networks and clean energy.

32. Our discussions today were marked by convergence to accelerate our engagement and to scale up our partnership.

33. Youths as well as monkeys have been trained to scale the rocky cliffs to retrieve the nests.

젊은이나 원숭이까지도 험준한 절벽을 기어 올라가서 제비집을 찾아오도록 훈련받고 있다.

34. 17 One Peking factory has had to scale down its workforce from six hundred to only six.

35. Safe, Effective and Affordable Contessa enables provider organizations to scale safe, effective and affordable home recovery care in …

36. After specifying a viewport for your web pages, set your font sizes to scale properly within the viewport.

웹페이지의 표시 영역을 지정한 후 글꼴 크기를 설정하여 표시 영역 내에서 적절하게 조정합니다.

37. The PCU then takes feedback from counters to assist in making decisions to scale up a particular core.

38. Friends! We are keen to scale up investments in next generation infrastructure including digital networks and clean energy.

39. 23 My reverie was penetrated by two devastating pieces of information which managed to scale the language barrier.

40. Cosmos (Atom) is a cryptocurrency that powers an ecosystem of blockchains designed to scale and interoperate with each other

41. They also intend to scale-up existing initiatives on space cooling, to reduce demand for power for air-conditioning.

42. 21 The writers have a long way to go to scale these Olympian heights of absurdity, but they're trying.

43. Some banks try to scale their prices down for small-business customers to entice them to use electronic services.

44. Z is produced with variety-specifIc increasing returns to scale, and the Z market is characterized by monopolistic competition.

45. Two characteristics of service, imperfect competition and increase return to scale make it an optimal choice for government intervention.

46. We are keen to scale up investments in next generation infrastructureincluding roads, ports, railways, airports, telecom, digital networks and energy.

47. Agglomeration derives from such basic conditions as increasing returns to scale, trade costs, flow of productive factors and imperfect competition.

48. These Breakpoints are mostly based on minimum viewport widths and allow us to scale up elements as the viewport changes

49. These Breakpoints are mostly based on minimum viewport widths and allow us to scale up elements as the viewport changes.

50. 16 Z is produced with variety-specifIc increasing returns to scale, and the Z market is characterized by monopolistic competition.