tithing in Korean

verb - tithe
십일조를 부과하다: tithe
십일조를 바치다: tithe

Sentence patterns related to "tithing"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tithing" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tithing", or refer to the context using the word "tithing" in the English - Korean.

1. Tithing and the Law

2. Why was the tithing requirement no hardship?

3. It is embezzlement.’ —Tithing— God’s Financial Plan.

4. * See also Alms, Almsgiving; Riches; Tithes, Tithing; Worldliness

5. * Pay tithing and donate to the missionary fund.

6. He counseled us to always pay a full and honest tithing.

7. Tithing has a special purpose as a preparatory law.

8. Not tithing is a clear violation of God’s commandments.

9. The Lord promises blessings to those who pay their tithing.

10. We faithfully paid our tithing every month and never lacked anything.

11. As I took it from her, I noticed it was a tithing receipt.

12. As [he did, he found a] yellow copy of a tithing donation slip.

13. • What lessons do we learn from tithing, voluntary contributions, and gleaning?

● 십일조와 자발적으로 바치는 헌물과 이삭줍기 마련을 통해 무슨 교훈들을 배울 수 있습니까?

14. To those of you who pay your tithing, I commend you.

15. It takes faith to pay our tithing promptly and without procrastination.

16. One day I saw my oldest son, Wilford, preparing a tithing envelope.

어느 날 저는 큰 아들인 윌포드가 십일조 봉투를 준비하는 것을 보았습니다.

17. They also include rules on tithing, priestly portions, gleanings, and Sabbath years.

18. For example, you might list “pay tithing,” “be more forgiving,” or “read the scriptures.”

19. Week 2: When I pay my tithing, Heavenly Father will bless me.

20. Some may consider it hard to pay tithing when finances are tight.

21. Ask them how many of the coins should be used to pay tithing.

22. But what I learned was far more important than how to pay tithing.

23. Ask how many apples the child would give to the bishop for tithing.

24. “When I pay my tithing, I have faith that Heavenly Father will bless me.

25. When the people became negligent as to tithing, the priests and Levites were affected.

26. With the abolition of the Law, the command about tithing was also canceled.

율법이 폐지되면서 십일조에 관한 명령도 취소되었다.

27. After three months record in your journal how paying tithing has helped your faith grow.

28. As you can realize, this has involved a very substantial outlay from the tithing resources.

29. Choose a principle such as prayer, tithing, fasting, repentance, or keeping the Sabbath day holy.

30. While the costs will be great, it will not involve the expenditure of tithing funds.

31. Payment of tithing encourages us to be honest in our dealings with our fellowmen.

32. He carried the heavy bag to the tithing office and settled with the bishop.

33. I also invested $20.00 in a war savings bond and paid 70 cents tithing.

34. The practice is called tithing, that is, giving 10 percent of one’s income to the church.

35. 8 Second, in addition to the tithing requirement, Jehovah arranged for the Israelites to make voluntary contributions.

36. It was not until the Council of Tours in A.D. 567 that tithing was first made obligatory.

37. His means were limited, but he and Sister Wacker always paid more than a tenth as tithing.

38. * The Lord’s house will be built by the tithing of his people, D&C 97:11–12.

39. One person may have trouble giving up tobacco but will readily accept the law of tithing.

어떤 사람은 십일조의 율법을 신속하게 받아들이지만 담배를 끊는데 어려움을 겪을 수도 있다.

40. Saints at the time understood tithing to refer to any amount of freely consecrated goods or money.

당시 성도들은 십일조를 자유롭게 헌납하는 재물 또는 돈으로 이해했다.

41. The Mosaic Law was abolished on the basis of Jesus’ death, so monetary tithing is not a requirement.

모세의 율법은 예수의 죽음을 근거로 폐지되었으므로, 이제 문자적인 십일조는 요구되지 않습니다.

42. How can one share obedience to the principle of tithing; a mind at peace from righteous living; an accumulation of knowledge?

어떻게 십일조의 원리에 순종하고, 의로운 생활로 마음의 화평을 누리고, 지식을 쌓는 것을 그렇게 하지 않는 사람과 나눌 수가 있습니까?

43. In addition to paying tithing, we are commanded to give of our substance to assist the poor and needy.

십일조 외에도 우리는 가난하고 궁핍한 사람들을 돕기 위해 우리의 물질을 나누라는 계명을 받습니다.

44. As the bishop described their situation, the General Authority felt the impression to have the members pay their tithing.

이 총관리 역원은 감독님에게서 와드 상황에 대해 들으시면서 회원들이 십일조를 내도록 권고해야 한다는 느낌을 받으셨습니다.

45. We prayed together, studied about the ordinances of the temple, paid tithing, and attended our meetings regularly—as a family.

46. One day during those difficult times, I heard my parents discussing whether they should pay tithing or buy food for the children.

47. * If this were money you had earned, how many coins would you have left to spend or save after paying tithing?

48. Biblical (comparative more Biblical, superlative most Biblical) Of or relating to the Bible. quotations ▼ Tithing is both a quranic and Biblical virtue

49. And then he said, “The children all sang or played a harmonica or did a little dance, and then she paid her tithing.

50. The Book of Mormon restores and underscores biblical doctrines such as tithing,8 the temple,9 the Sabbath day,10 and the priesthood.11