threw away in Korean

verb - throw away
내던지다: throw out, fling out, dash, pelt, throw away, shoot
거절하다: refuse, decline, reject, turn down, deny, repudiate
낭비하다: waste, squander, spend wastefully, dissipate, throw away, fribble
일부러 아무렇지도 않은 듯 말하다: throw away
뿌리치다: shake off, wave aside, throw away

Sentence patterns related to "threw away"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "threw away" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "threw away", or refer to the context using the word "threw away" in the English - Korean.

1. I threw away the odd glove.

2. Mary threw away the dead flowers.

3. And I threw away my rake.

4. He threw away the old sofa.

5. She threw away a blighted rose.

6. All those poor girls you threw away like condoms...

7. I threw away my trunk when I came here.

8. She cut off the best meat and threw away the residue.

9. He threw away my letter, thinking it was just more election bumf.

10. To his chagrin we threw away the letter about a skiing holiday.

11. “One by one, he threw away the few nonessential belongings we carried.

12. 10 George Washington chopped down the tree, and then he threw away the money.

13. He used to argue with people, threw away rubbish freely , and welter in online games.

14. When he finished speaking, he threw away the jawbone; and the place was called Ramath Lehi.

15. I threw away the guava core, and it too was torn to pieces by the children.

16. Looking back, Frank knows he victimised himself and threw away a good career opportunity with a quality company.

17. She retrieved the hairpin that Atsumu threw away after being rejected by Meiko, and even wears it when she is alone.

18. Mt 13 Verse 48 says that the angelic fishermen-separators “collected the fine [fish] into vessels, but the unsuitable they threw away.”

19. 48 When it was full, they hauled it up onto the beach, and sitting down, they collected the fine ones+ into containers, but the unsuitable+ they threw away.

20. Anacreon seems to have taken part in the fighting, in which, on his own admission, he did not distinguish himself, but, like Alcaeus and Horace, threw away his shield and fled