tenderest in Korean

adjective - tender
부드러운: soft, smooth, gentle, tender, silky, mellow
연한: light, tender, thin
어린: young, tender, yeanling
미묘한: ethereal, sensitive, tender, refined, etherial
만지면 아픈: tender
허약한: feckless, infirm, tender, weakly
다정다감한: tender
걱정하는: anxious, solicitous, tende

Sentence patterns related to "tenderest"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tenderest" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tenderest", or refer to the context using the word "tenderest" in the English - Korean.

1. Beneath his choleric exterior Gerald O'Hara had the tenderest of hearts.

2. The seeds you've planted are sprouting the tenderest of young green shoots.

3. Synonyms for Achiest include painfullest, sorest, tenderest, nastiest, rawest, sharpest, severest, prickliest, stiffest and reddest

4. New love is brightest,[Sentencedict] and long love is greatest; but revived love is the tenderest thing known upon earth.

5. Beef tenderloin is called for here as it will unfailingly yield the tenderest Carpaccio It is a long, slender, tapered muscle that runs under the ribs and close to the back bone, and …

6. Gummidge was overcome in a similar manner during the remainder of our stay (which happened some few times), he always said the same thing in extenuation of the circumstance, and always with the tenderest Commiseration

7. The lovely millennial picture is presented but for a moment ere the Spirit of God goes on to deal with them because of their wretchedly fallen condition, and to plead in tenderest Beseechings that they turn from their evil ways

8. The lovely millennial picture is presented but for a moment ere the Spirit of God goes on to deal with them because of their wretchedly fallen condition, and to plead in tenderest Beseechings that they turn from their evil ways