templars in Korean

noun - Templar
법률가: lawyer, Templar
템플 기사단원: Templar
프리메이슨단: Templar
미국의 금주 단체: Templa

Sentence patterns related to "templars"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "templars" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "templars", or refer to the context using the word "templars" in the English - Korean.

1. The Templars fought against the King.

2. Charity, alms and Almonries: the Templars at Gislingham continued

3. One day the Templars simply stopped searching.

4. Templars masking their faith and travelling without swords.

5. Reynald, with the Templars, have broken the king's pledge of peace.

6. But the Templars were created to protect the Holy Land.

7. 16 What if there is no Grail or Excalibur or secret Templars?

8. You wear the mark of the Templars, yet you carry no swords.

9. It was the Templars that gave you a sword and the name of God to wield it.

10. While seeking supplies in Boston, Connor is framed by the Templars for instigating the Boston Massacre.

11. The Templars first built it as a fortified manor but later generations had embellished it to make it more comfortable.

12. Numerous Besiegements were undertaken by the Black Templars - each incurring heavy losses and each promising no swift end to the Crusade

13. This page contains the locations of all Order Clues, Templars, and how to kill them to gain access to unique abilities as rewards.

14. Following my post on the Templars’ ruined ‘alms-house’ at Gislingham in Suffolk, Dr Paul Webster has pointed out that the kings of England maintained ‘Almonries’ from which alms were dispensed

15. The Armies of Outremer (Christian territory centered on Jerusalem) The Military Orders (like the Templars and Hospitallers, and some lesser known groups) The Iberian Armies (El Cid and the Reconquista covers this topic in much greater detail) Byzantine Armies (extremely brief) Abbasid Armies (Armies of the Abbasid Caliphate of Baghdad)