telegrams in Korean

noun - telegram
전보: telegram, transfer, wire, supplement, war news
전문: specialty, telegram, preamble, hearsay, the whole sentence, front gate

Sentence patterns related to "telegrams"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "telegrams" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "telegrams", or refer to the context using the word "telegrams" in the English - Korean.

1. All those letters and telegrams...

2. Their friendship continued through telegrams and letters.

3. Two telegrams for Li Kuei to send off at once.

4. The government censored all letters and telegrams going abroad during the war.

5. Altogether 150,000 individual private telegrams and state dispatches were delivered.

6. Cablese (uncountable) The terse jargon used in telegrams, often with unconventional grammar.

7. 25 The usual telegrams of entreaty and remorse followed: I disregarded them.

8. From all sides came letters, messages, and telegrams attempting to dissuade Gandhi.

9. The liberals regarded sending telegrams of condolence as a polite gesture.

10. — Time – division multiplex for serial transmission of telegrams with up to 96 useful bits.

11. Telecommunications by computer terminals, by data communication channels, by radio, by telegrams, by telephone

12. The chairman read telegrams and greetings from well-wishers around the globe.

13. Letters and telegrams of condolence streamed in from heads of state, housewives, politicians, millionaires, secretaries.

14. The company office was inundated with telegrams of congratulations on the tenth anniversary of its foundation.

15. 17 The government got many telegrams and letters of consolation when the President died.

16. In fact, Witnesses from about 50 countries sent Hitler some 20,000 letters and telegrams protesting the mistreatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

17. — Time-division multiplex for serial transmission of telegrams with up to 104 usable data bits.

18. People could send telegrams, telephone each other, and transmit information much more quickly than ever before.

19. No more hiding from the post office boy who brought telegrams from the Somme each day.

20. Telecommunications by computer terminals or mobile terminals, by data communication channels, by radio, by telegrams, by telephone

21. There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, L, M, S and T: Almagests GLEAMIEST GUNMETALS OUTGLEAMS SEGMENTAL TELEGRAMS

22. There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, G, L, M, S and T: Almagests GLEAMIEST GUNMETALS OUTGLEAMS SEGMENTAL TELEGRAMS

23. Katakana is now relegated to special uses such as recently borrowed words (i.e., since the 19th century), names in transliteration, the names of animals, in telegrams, and for emphasis.

24. In the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, the famous pigeon post of Paris carried up to 50,000 microfilmed telegrams per pigeon flight from Tours into the besieged capital.