tb in Korean

abbreviation - T.B.
결핵: T.B.
결병: T.B.

Sentence patterns related to "tb"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tb" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tb", or refer to the context using the word "tb" in the English - Korean.

1. Addressing drug-resistant TB cannot be divorced from overall TB control efforts.

2. Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of TB Ab in TB pleurisy.

3. He thinks it's TB.

4. While the world’s concern about TB was weakening, the TB bacilli were growing stronger.

5. 19 At one time the doctors couldn't cure TB/cure people of TB.

6. " I think it's TB. "

7. Ironically, poorly managed administration of anti-TB drugs is the primary cause of multidrug-resistant TB.

아이러니컬하게도, 항결핵 의약품 복용을 제대로 관리하지 못한 것이 다종 의약품에 내성이 생긴 결핵이 출현하게 된 주된 원인입니다.

8. 23 Objective To analyze relationship between serum albumin level and TB febrile control with anti - TB treatment.

9. It's a classic finding of TB.

10. Unlike TB meningitis, TB cerebritis often required repeated CT or MRI imaging of the brain to monitor progress.

11. TB-25L Hayes pilot-trainer conversion.

12. [ 49 countries have reported XDR- TB. ]

13. She worked in my TB Ward.

14. The rate of TB varies with age.

15. TB free India Campaign will take the activities of National Strategic Plan for TB elimination forward in Mission mode.

16. Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is defined as TB that is resistant at least to INH and RMP.

17. - TB directed frozen allotment - Communications Budget (1.2)

18. He's an immunologist and a TB expert.

19. 8 . Hope for more effective TB treatment

20. When did you have your TB jab?

21. What Ailed Goya? Ravin JG(1), Ravin TB

22. These combined drugs can kill the TB bacilli

23. Tested negative for TB, PCP, MAC, CMV, HSV.

24. Obviously got an opportunistic infection, probably TB or PCP.

25. TB-58A: Training aircraft, eight conversions from YB-58A.

26. Traffic-overusage is charged at 6.90 € per additional TB.

27. Tuberculosis may affect the central nervous system (meninges, brain or spinal cord) in which case it is called TB meningitis, TB cerebritis, and TB myelitis respectively; the standard treatment is 12 months of drugs (2HREZ/10HR) and steroid are mandatory.

28. Endorse the overture by director XXX from provincial TB Institute.

29. Who should be tested: Those who either have TB symptoms or have had close, repeated exposure to a TB patient—particularly in poorly ventilated rooms.

검사를 받아 보아야 하는 사람: 결핵 증상이 나타나는 사람이나 결핵 환자와 가까이 지내기 때문에 반복적으로 환자와 접촉한 적이 있는 사람, 특히 환기가 잘 안 되는 방에서 그렇게 지낸 적이 있는 사람이다.

30. (TB) 'Blankety Blank' 1998, Burseen 'Blankety Blank' (Tom Burseen, R

31. (TB) 'Blankety blank' 1998, Burseen 'Blankety blank' (Tom Burseen, R

32. Directly: The most dangerous TB case is the undiagnosed case.

33. Countries with highest TB burden among non-U.S.-born Asians, 2019

34. The BCG is based on the bacteria which cause bovine TB.

35. The old case definition of XDR-TB is MDR-TB that is also resistant to three or more of the six classes of second-line drugs.

36. Although TB meningitis and TB cerebritis are classified together, the experience of many clinicians is that their progression and response to treatment is not the same.

37. In many African countries, people living with AIDS frequently succumb to TB as a final, deadly opportunistic infection, making AIDS and TB a particularly dangerous co-epidemic.

38. [Add a Drive file] Add Drive attachments up to 5 TB

39. Nearly a quarter of the prison population is infected with TB.

40. • ›TB took him‹, TB = Adverbiation for Tuberculosis, a chronic infectious desease: 313 • Hark! The Glad Sound!, hymn (1734) by Thomas Haweis: 313, 323 • Richard the Lionheart = Richard I …

41. TB Bacteriological examinations are done in a laboratory that identifies M

42. For three main reasons: neglect, HIV/AIDS, and multidrug-resistant TB.

43. AT-22 or TB-24 C-87 used for flight engineer training.

44. Ongoing development was underway to create a 1 TB Blu-ray Disc.

45. The cure for tuberculosis (TB) was discovered more than four decades ago.

46. Prisoners are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS and TB.

47. TB meningitis usually responds well to treatment, but TB cerebritis may require prolonged treatment (up to two years) and the steroid course needed is often also prolonged (up to six months).

48. Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in United States of America air passenger

49. TB Price: $384 (2) Thompson/Center Arms G2 Contender Pistol FRAME Stainless Steel

50. Reported TB drug resistance by gender and age group, Canada – 2002 Table 5.