tarantella in Korean

noun - tarantella
타란텔라 춤: tarantella, tarantella dance

Sentence patterns related to "tarantella"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tarantella" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tarantella", or refer to the context using the word "tarantella" in the English - Korean.

1. X, Tarantella, and other technologies promised much the same opportunities for remote operation that VNC gives.

2. A group of children entertained us with a lively dance called a tarantella.

3. When I was a kid, I went to weddings where people danced the tarantella with some authority.

4. He watched his boss, fat, middle-aged Peter Clemenza whirling young girls around the wooden dance floor in a rustic and lusty Tarantella.

5. When I was a very young child, she would bounce me on her knee as she sang a tarantella.

6. I was the fifth grandchild, and as there were seven more after me, I stayed familiar with the tarantella.

7. Smith's technical mastery blossomed in the hushed mystery of the Nocturne but above all in the fireworks of the Tarantella.

8. Massine's quicker more set version of the tarantella in La Boutique Fantasque shows exactly the same features as those listed above.

9. The first was the surreal 8 mm Tarantella (1989), which was shown on Image Union (an independent film and video showcase on the Public Broadcasting Service).

10. The Graduate Recital program includes Leclair Violin Sonata in D Major Stravinsky Suite Italienne for violin and piano Milsten Paganiniana(variations) Szymanowski Notturno Tarantella Op. 28 .

11. The piece is in the form of a theme and 11 variations: Theme Variation I, Recitative Variation II, Romance Variation III, March Variation IV, Rubato Variation V, Chorale Variation VI, Nocturne Variation VII, Badinerie Variation VIII, Ritmico Variation IXa, Toccata I Variation IXb, Toccata II Variation X, Adagio Variation XI, Tarantella.