debased in Korean

verb - debase
떨어뜨리다: drop, debase, abase, lower, fail, demean
저하시키다: debase, depress

Sentence patterns related to "debased"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "debased" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "debased", or refer to the context using the word "debased" in the English - Korean.

1. Sport is being debased by Commercialism

2. Who is watching me in my current debased condition?

3. DeBased: See: depraved , dissolute , ignoble , sordid , tainted , vicious

4. Popular music has become increasingly debased and obscene.

5. Price inflation forces creditors to accept repayment in debased currency.

6. Why would it matter if UNESCO's currency debased?

7. The CPI is still high, but investment debased.

8. The silver coinage was repeatedly debased with copper vellon.

9. He said parliament and the process of democracy had been debased.

10. They have debased and defiled the purity of the tongue.

11. Trees, gardens, and groves often figure in their debased practices.

12. Every desired renewal of an existence is debased by being half alloy.

13. Synonyms for Bemeaned include debased, degraded, demeaned, corrupted, abased, vitiated, cheapened, perverted, subverted and depraved

14. Synonyms for Cankered include poisoned, corrupted, rotted, abased, bastardised, bastardized, blighted, cheapened, consumed and debased

15. Synonyms for Abased include degraded, demeaned, debased, humbled, humiliated, lowered, disgraced, reduced, belittled and cheapened

16. Like a roaring lion, the debased Satan gets ready for an all-out assault.

17. Antonyms for Apotheosized include belittled, castigated, condemned, criticised, criticized, debased, degraded, demoted, depressed and disgraced

18. Synonyms for Automatized include dehumanised, dehumanized, brutalised, brutalized, bestialized, debased, degraded, animalized, desensitised and desensitized

19. Synonyms for Bastardised include corrupted, degraded, debased, adulterated, defiled, perverted, vitiated, abased, cheapened and demeaned

20. Their being cast into “Tartarus” points to their being debased, cut off from God’s favor and all enlightenment.

21. It is no cushy idolized by the queen . It would debased the feeling of some man.

22. There are 7 seven-letter words containing A, B, 2D and 2E: BEARDED Bedazed BEJADED BREADED DEBASED DEBATED & DEBEARD

23. When it comes to playing debased, self-destructive women[sentencedict .com], Leigh is the best actress in Hollywood.

24. Eclecticism flourished in the 19th century and survived, though much debased, in gated communities and suburban tract housing.

25. The infamously debased tabloid press loved it, and ended up giving unprecedented coverage to the issue of debt forgiveness.

26. Compared with the conventional array receiver, optimal transmitting beam width decreases and transmitting power requirement is debased in the distributed array receiver.

27. Certainly, we do not need to experience the world’s “low sink of debauchery” to see how debased life can be.

28. 20 The young in particular see him as a man who will not sell out or be debased by the compromises of politics.

29. What help is there for a person whose heart is moving him to listen to or dance to sexually debased music?

30. So too do teachers have a duty to teach, and parents a duty to protect children from a debased cultural environment.

31. 16 When Satan and his demons are abyssed, “the land of Magog,” their debased location at the earth, will be gone forever.

32. Further, as a literal serpent might wound a man’s heel, Satan in his debased state would ‘bruise the heel’ of God’s “seed.”

33. Debased music; violent and immoral films, TV shows, and videos; and pornography on the Internet exert a devastating influence on the young.

34. Apollophanes issued a few debased silver drachms of the type seen above, struck with a single monogram and of little artistic quality.

35. Pornography reflects the debased mentality of the demons who promote it —rebels whose improper sexual desires date back to the pre-Flood world of Noah’s day.

36. In 1717 the mints at Madrid, Segovia, Cuenca, and Seville flooded the country with debased silver coin (the real now containing only 2.556 g fine silver).

37. The Post did this at the tail end of a Trump presidency defined by years of the media repeatedly being debased by sources who used Credulously granted …

38. They were not sickened by such exhibitions because the ghastly butcheries of the amphitheatre had long since debased their feelings and perverted their instincts.” —Matthew 5:27, 28.

39. The yellow-brick interior has broad aisles and a wide nave of five bays of Early English style arches and a debased Romanesque clerestory of two windows above each arch.

40. In view of the irresponsible and destructive ways of many of today’s youths —smoking, drug and alcohol abuse, illicit sex, and other worldly pursuits, such as wild sports and debased music and entertainment— this is indeed timely advice for Christian youths who want to follow a healthful and satisfying way of life.

(「신세」 참조) 오늘날의 많은 젊은이의 무책임하고 파괴적인 생활 방식—흡연, 마약 및 알코올 남용, 불법적인 성관계, 그리고 그 밖에도 세상 사람들이 추구하는 난폭한 스포츠와 저속한 음악과 오락 같은 것들—을 생각해 볼 때, 이것은 건전하고 만족스러운 생활 방식을 따르고자 하는 그리스도인 젊은이들에게 참으로 시기 적절한 조언입니다.

41. This plummet from master of the universe to Abject fear Abject / ignoble - English Only forum Abject cowardice - English Only forum being reduced to a bodily essence in Abject fluids - English Only forum degrade, debased, and Abject - English Only forum hold all but a handful of heroic resisters Abject - English Only forum <Miserable little propitiators of a remorseless Idol>, how Abject <we