cut across in Korean

verb - cut across
질러가다: take a shortcut, cut across
...와 대립되다: cut across
...와 저촉되다: cut across
...을 넘다: cut across
...에 널리 미치다: cut across
지르다: kick, holler, insert, set fire to, cut across, snip

Sentence patterns related to "cut across"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cut across" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cut across", or refer to the context using the word "cut across" in the English - Korean.

1. Cut across the grain.

2. They cut across the fields.

3. Let's cut across the field.

4. After all, it cut across class.

5. It cut across her child's world.

6. Her loud voice cut across their conversation.

7. Her loud voice cut across the conversation.

8. ·Option 1: A cut across the board.

9. Take the short cut across the fields.

10. ·Option 1: A cut across the board

11. There is a short cut across the field.

12. When he voted,he cut across party lines.

13. Status groups can also cut across class divisions.

14. His ideas cut across mine on the subject.

15. Yes, I've included a 10% cut across the board.

16. Domestic violence seems to cut across most social divisions.

17. You can take a short cut across the field.

18. If we cut across the field, it'll save time.

19. He decided to cut across the Heath, through Greenwich Park.

20. The motorboat cut across swift currents and skirted dangerous reefs.

21. We'll get there quicker if we cut across the fields.

22. I usually cut across/through the park on my way home.

23. I usually cut across the park on my way home.

24. A flat facet cut across the top of a precious stone.

25. We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion.

26. The general manager's speech cut across what he had said before.

27. We can gain some time if we cut across this field.

28. He cut across the fields so as not to be late.

29. 6 We'll get there quicker if we cut across the fields.

30. This ice flow cut across the Willoughby granodiorite and adjacent metamorphic rocks.

31. The sound of the fire alarm cut across his attempt to explain.

32. I took a short cut across the field to get to school.

33. The Council has proposed a 2% cut across the board for all institutions.

34. But halfway back across the valley floor deep water cut across our path.

그러나 뒤로 돌아서 계곡의 반정도를 지나갔을 때 계곡 바닥에 물이 깊게 차여 우리의 진로는 차단되었다.

35. There is a short cut across the fields, zigzagging along the boundary banks.

36. 15 The sound of the fire alarm cut across his attempt to explain.

37. So they cut across the fields in an attempt to avoid the mob.

그래서 그들은 이 폭도들을 피하려고 들을 가로질러 갔다.

38. Ramsey the Liberal politician had ideas of democracy which cut across this benevolent dictatorship.

39. The problems young ones are experiencing today cut across economic, social, and racial lines.

오늘날 청소년들이 겪고 있는 문제들은 경제적·사회적·인종적 한계를 뛰어넘고 있습니다.

40. Cross-disciplinary practices refer to teaching, learning, and scholarship activities that cut aCross disciplinary boundaries

41. He referred to the multifaceted bilateral relationship that cut across a wide range of sectors.

42. Hit us with a full broadside, cut across our tail and took out our rudder.

43. ICTs cut across all sectors and have enormous potential for accelerating progress towards achieving the MDGs.

44. ICTs cut across all sectors and have enormous potential for accelerating progress towards achieving the MDGs

45. Providentially, the circuits around Kobe had been organized to cut across the city from north to south.

다행히도, 고베 주변의 순회구들은 그 도시를 남북으로 가로지르는 경계선에 따라 분할되어 있었습니다.

46. The Sirloin is removed by a cut across the leg at a specified measured distance from the acetabulum.

47. First, they cut across industry lines, a diversity suggesting that member companies will perform different roles within the alliances.

48. Earlier the apostle had tried to visit them twice, but ‘Satan cut across his path.’ —2:17–3:3.

이전에 바울은 그들을 방문하려고 두 번이나 시도하였으나 ‘사탄이 그의 길을 가로막았다.’—2:17–3:3.

49. Such motivations cut across different media and remind us again of the extent to which media permeate our lives.

50. Man things were regular and patterned, and cut across the contours of the country and the flow of things.