common people in Korean

noun - common people
상인: merchant, trader, dealer, tradespeople, common people, trafficke

Sentence patterns related to "common people"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "common people" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "common people", or refer to the context using the word "common people" in the English - Korean.

1. Commonalty definition is - the common people

2. Commonality definition is - the common people

3. Commoner definition is - one of the common people

4. For common people, they just need to cut sharp.

5. What does Canaille mean? The common people; the masses

6. 5 Every tragedy makes heroes of common people

7. What does Commoner mean? One of the common people

8. Will seek support from the common people to support such Cowsheds

9. But for the common people, they would not yield one bit!

10. Don't you listen? Discover, highest to WTO hurrah is Chinese common people.

11. 19 The common people, considered as the primary source of political power.

12. An army that defends the bodies and souls of the common people.

13. Her concern with the well-being of the common people is interesting.

14. They came mainly from the middle class and disdained the common people.

15. 10 The enterprise is in live frugally, common people criterion enclasp pocket.

16. What does Commonalty mean? The common people as opposed to the upper classes

17. As a famous star, she never highhatted anybody[ ], even the common people.

18. By this point, the common people began to resent the emperor as well.

19. However, many among the lowly, common people readily gave ear to Jesus’ teachings.

20. Makarios and Pavsky attempted to make the Bible accessible to the common people.

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21. Instead, they looked down on the common people as mere rabble —and accursed!

22. The clay is referred to as “the offspring of mankind,” or the common people.

23. And fourth, it should be easy for the common people to read and understand.

24. In feudal society, some slave owners persecuted the common people with methods like dismemberment.

25. The interlink assurance system in ancient societies was very unfair to the common people.

26. Netizen greatly: Common people expresses feeling with his means can by good-tempered , progressed.

27. Cateran common people of the Highlands in a band; brigands, freebooters, or marauders collectively.

28. I suspect the gods will predispose the common people to gentleness on her behalf.

29. The industrial revolution made it possible for common people to be more fashion conscious

30. The national struggle could only be sustained by the innate valour of the common people.

31. One factor was his popularity with the common people, whom the former looked down on.

32. The common people; the Commonalty; The joint possession of a set of attributes or characteristics.

33. They looked down on the common people who were getting baptized in symbol of repentance.

34. 5 The economic reform brought about great change in the lives of the common people.

35. At times, very powerful forces have tried to keep the Bible from the common people.

36. 1 The Pharisees prided themselves on being righteous, and they looked down on the common people.

37. Was he so austere, so cold and aloof, that he could not relate to common people?

38. In return , the man of practice offers pray , wish, enlighten and disabuse to the common people.

39. This is a folk tale which is a story handed down orally among the common people.

40. Unlike the plank road for royal family it is for common people to wander about leisurely.

41. It is with good reason, therefore, that the common people do not trust their political leaders.

42. They even tried to stamp out the Bible so that the common people could not read it.

43. Yes, and what I most admire... is the way you've captured the voice of the common people.

44. He took a lower position as a human and grew up in a family of common people.

45. 27 Santa Claus village of Tuopulan accepted it is common people the place of one countervail wish.

46. Noun (commonalities) The common people; the Commonalty ; The joint possession of a set of attributes or characteristics

47. Preach, my dear sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish and improve the law for educating the common people.

48. The Consuls were usually patricians, though after 367 BC plebs (common people; plebeians) could stand for election as Consul.

49. The burden of taxes, tolls, and duties levied on the common people is said to have been extremely oppressive.

50. What does Colloquial mean? The definition of Colloquial refers to words or expressions used in ordinary language by common people