cetaceans in Korean

noun - cetacean
고래류의 동물: cetacea

Sentence patterns related to "cetaceans"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "cetaceans" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "cetaceans", or refer to the context using the word "cetaceans" in the English - Korean.

1. The communication systems of Cetaceans (L

2. They included the last of the ancient cetaceans, the Archaeoceti.

3. Cetacean definition: Cetaceans are animals such as whales, dolphins, and porpoises

4. Wild vs Captivity for cetaceans like dolphins, belugas, whales, and sharks

5. Cetaceans and primates have also an autobiographical self to a certain degree.

6. All Cetaceans are carnivores and do not consume plants or algae as food

7. 15 The lifespan of cetaceans varies among species, the larger species generally living longer.

8. Learn of the characteristics of Cetaceans and how they survive in the ocean.

9. There is no comprehensive information on the Bycatch of cetaceans in EU waters.

10. Cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) form one of the most dramatically-derived group of mammals

11. "The cetaceans are on the whole the most peculiar and aberrant of mammals, " he remarked peevishly.

12. From the ocean depths, plumbed by ageless cetaceans to azure skies, where the mighty eagle soars.

13. Inclusion of cetaceans within the order Artiodactyla based on phylogenetic analysis of pancreatic ribonuclease genes

14. Body: Explain what whale Beaching is; Cetaceans are aquatic mammals and include whales, dolphins, and porpoises.

15. To better understand the extent of predation on Cetaceans, it is essential to understand how a Cetacean …

16. Whale Beaching, more accurately called Cetacean Stranding is the phenomenon in which cetaceans strand themselves on land (generally beaches)

17. Cetacean - Cetacean - Paleontology and classification: Cetaceans are distant descendants of a group of poorly defined mammals known as condylarths

18. ‘Killer whales also prey on mammals such as other Cetaceans and pinnipeds, as well as on birds and large fish.’

19. Cetaceans have an elongated skull, a flat, horizontal tail, forelimbs modified into broad flippers, and no hind limbs

20. The Order Cetacea is the group of marine mammals that includes the Cetaceans - the whales, dolphins and porpoises

21. Description There are 86 species of Cetaceans, and these are divided into two suborders - the mysticetes ( baleen whales , 14 species) and odontocetes ( …

22. 40 species of freshwater fish, 23 of cetaceans, 795 of saltwater fish, and 226 of hermatypic coral have been recorded.

23. The Cetacean Community is the name chosen by the Cetaceans' self-appointed attorney for all of the world's whales, porpoises, and dolphins

24. Previous attempts to display the sounds made by cetaceans (e.g. whales and dolphins) resulted in relatively simple graphs displaying frequency and amplitude.

25. Cetaceans (as they are collectively known) are mammals, yet their lives are essentially that of fish; they exist from birth until death entirely underwater

26. ••• This blog is dedicated to Ambulocetus, my favorite extinct cetacean and one of the most beautiful prehistoric critters of all time — I also include some other fossil cetaceans because they’re interesting and beautiful too, but lil Ambulocetus is the prime focus here — if you’re curious, amongst extant cetaceans, my favorite whale is the blue •••

27. Marine mammals however are abundant, with almost half the world's cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) and large numbers of fur seals reported in New Zealand waters.

28. An abundance of large predators such as cetaceans are also attracted to these localities, which may be regarded as pelagic and benthic hot spots.

29. Deer, source of good and bad, are a magical obsession for hunters More recent genetic research found that among Artiodactyls, hippos are the cetaceans' closest living relatives

30. WHALES - Cetology Interestingly, some of the earliest available information on cetaceans comes from Aristotle, who was a Greek philosopher that was born in 384 Before our Common Era (BCE)

31. Beaked whales are a group of cetaceans noted as being one of the least known groups of mammals because of their deep-sea habitat and apparent low abundance

32. The Cetaceans challenge the United States Navy's use of Surveillance Towed Array Sensor System Low Frequency Active Sonar ("SURTASS LFAS") during wartime or heightened threat conditions.

33. For five decades, ACS has been dedicated to bringing education, current research, and critical conservation issues to people who care about Cetaceans and the habitats on which they depend.

34. Advanced on-animal recorders have revealed extensive use of meso- and Bathypelagic waters as foraging grounds by multiple species of cetaceans with diverse, often cephalopod-dominated diets (4–7)

35. This means that the dynamics of mass growth of the skeleton, as compared with that of the body as a whole, does not follow a positive allometry in cetaceans.

36. There is debate as to whether the first Cetaceans (archaeocetes) descended from an extinct group of large carnivores called mesonychids or from a group of hoofed herbivores (artiodactyls)

37. Cetacea is the order of mammals that includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Cetaceans are found throughout the world's oceans but most species types have specific or common ranges (Table 43-1).

38. Cetaceans are completely aquatic, have lost their hind limbs during evolution and have fin-like forelimbs, often a dorsal fin and, in marked comparison with fishes, a blowhole and transverse tail fin.

39. Cantonese Constance absolutes accentual accusable accusants acescents aculeates Acutances acuteness albescent aloneness assonance bluecoats bluenoses bluestone bluntness boletuses butanones cablecast calcaneus canescent canoeable canulates cascabels cascables cassoulet cetaceans cetaceous cleanness coalesces constable consulate cosecants

40. Cetaceans are completely aquatic, have lost their hind limbs during evolution and have fin-like forelimbs, often a dorsal fin and, in marked comparison with fishes, a blowhole and transverse tail fin

41. Annual Bycatch mortality estimates for non-target species are ghastly: some 300,000 cetaceans, hundreds of thousands of seabirds and turtles, and millions upon millions of sharks in addition to countless fish (juvenile and adult) and invertebrates

42. Cetaceans are mammals, which means they are endothermic (commonly called warm-blooded) and their internal body temperature is about the same as a human's. They give birth to live young and breathe air through lungs just like we do

43. Cetacean, (order Cetacea), any member of an entirely aquatic group of mammals commonly known as whales, dolphins, and porpoises. The ancient Greeks recognized that Cetaceans breathe air, give birth to live young, produce milk, and have hair —all features of mammals.

44. Like all other mammals but unlike all fish, Cetaceans nurse their young with milk produced by the mother, are endothermic (warm-blooded), breathe air, have a lower jaw that consists of a single bony element (the dentary), and have three small bones (hammer, anvil

45. Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS): this aims to co-ordinate measures to reduce negative impact of by-catches, habitat loss, marine pollution and acoustic disturbances among the ten parties.

46. Being part of the American Cetacean Society (ACS) puts you in good company – conservation practitioners, marine scientists, local chapter teams, and concerned citizens who take personal action, reach out to educate and give you a clear path for information and involvement in the protection of Cetaceans and their habitats.

47. Basilosaurus, sometimes known by its scientific synonym Zeuglodon, is a genus of ancient cetaceans that lived during the late Eocene, they are thought to have died out 33 million years ago, this was during the time the Eocene epoch ended and the Oligocene started.These primitive marine mammals look nothing like …

48. Other States pointed out that they participate in subregional and regional organizations with mandates to conserve non-target species taken incidentally in fishing operations (the United States), such as the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (EC), the Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic and North Seas, the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, the Agreement for the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (France (in the process of ratification), New Zealand, Spain and the United Kingdom) and the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles and their Habitats (United States

49. “Do platypuses have the best memories of all mammals, elephants a sporadic memory, and cetaceans a terrible memory?” "Vậy thì loài rái mỏ vịt có trí nhớ tốt nhất trong các loài động vật hữu nhũ, voi có trí nhớ rời rạc, còn động vật hữu nhũ ở biển thì trí nhớ của chúng thật là tệ ư? "

50. Andrewsarchus lived during the late Eocene epoch of the Paleogene period in Asia (fossils have been found in Mongolia), between about 45 million and 36 million years ago.Andrewsarchus was a mammal of the extinct order Mesonychia - the Mesonychids were a group of hoofed carnivores which were related to artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates) and cetaceans (the group containing whales, dolphins and