came up in Korean

verb - come up
오르다: rise, ascend, climb, mount, go up, advance

Sentence patterns related to "came up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "came up" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "came up", or refer to the context using the word "came up" in the English - Korean.

1. Something came up.

2. I came up gasping for air.

3. She came up gulping for air.

4. And their nets came up full.

5. His contract came up for renewal.

6. I came up with potential exam questions.

7. Sounds like he just came up short.

8. I came up with the Starving Games.

9. We came up with the name Brohaha

10. Came up to me in a pub.

11. I came up with this dumb idea.

12. Courteously I came up to a man.

13. She came up hoarse for the singing.

14. He came up with a clever wheeze.

15. The Advert for grandparents that came up trumps

16. It's this story that I came up with.

17. It means their fishing expedition came up empty.

18. The fuck you came up with that one?

19. While we were talking, a man came up.

20. While we were talking, a bloke came up.

21. Something just came up at the last moment.

22. 26 Wendy came up and sat beside me.

23. Dolphin literally just came up parallel to it.

24. Then, the concept came up, the love triangle,

25. Why must they came up with this hoax?

26. You're feeling bad because you came up short?

27. The uncut grass came up to her waist.

28. The coach quickly came up with a cunning counterattack.

29. One year I came up with a bright idea.

30. Sometimes the rector came up and preached a sermon.

31. When he came up, he spouted some water gleefully.

32. While we were talking,( ) a bloke came up.

33. Who came up with the idea of chop suey?

34. He came up before the local magistrate for speeding.

35. He was/came up before the magistrate for speeding.

36. I came up with the idea of painting shadows.

37. See here how people came up with such great headlines.

38. The sexton came up and told him to be quiet.

39. A soldier came up to her with a drawn saber.

40. 1 Sometimes the rector came up and preached a sermon.

41. A beggar came up to us and ask for money.

42. When the marquis came up to her the ghost fled.

43. He came up with what seemed like a clever wheeze.

44. He came up out of the water gasping for breath.

45. The policewoman, Song Anni, came up to survey the scene.

46. Grumps, that was quite a twist you came up with.

47. Hendry looked at me Apologetically while these instructions came up

48. So we came up with a great solution: train grandmothers.

49. Slowly,( ) a full moon came up over the horizon.

50. 16 We all came up to congratulate on the winner.