burn down in Korean

verb - burn down
전소하다: burn dow

Sentence patterns related to "burn down"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "burn down" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "burn down", or refer to the context using the word "burn down" in the English - Korean.

1. Let the fire burn down.

2. Well, then, burn down his house.

3. Don't let the fire burn down.

4. They threatened to burn down our house.

5. She then snapped, “I’ll burn down the house!”

6. Go and burn down the factory as well!

7. Basically, we tried to burn down the woods.

8. You figure to burn down the Commissioner's, Mr. Frank?

9. Do not allow a candle to burn down completely.

10. This place is gonna burn down in ten minutes.

11. The whole house could burn down, and you could die!

12. Burn down the opium dens, open the money vault, right?

13. All five - second grenade fusewill burn down in three seconds.

14. They sat by the fire, watching it slowly burn down.

15. The time had come to burn down the landlord's mansion.

16. Why did you burn down the inn for him back then?

17. Light up the stove and you could burn down the house.

18. The village was burn down to the ground during the war.

19. Frank, you are not gonna burn down that nice woman's house.

20. All five - second grenade fuses will burn down in three secinds.

21. I do not think you ought to burn down that shed.

22. I watched nearly half of the buildings in my neighborhood burn down.

23. Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tents.

24. Let's leave the fire to burn down and go into our tent.

25. Yeah, I won't burn down the house or kill anybody or anything, so.

26. But I wasn't the only one out trying to burn down the forests.

27. I knew a woman who was terrified that her house would burn down.

28. She was worried that the house might burn down while they were away.

29. Well, was nothing left to do but kill the manager and burn down the laundry.

30. He tried to burn down the school by setting fire to papers on a noticeboard.

31. Some of the brothers were badly beaten and the mob even threatened to burn down the jail.

형제들은 유치장으로 끌려갔다. 어떤 형제들은 심한 구타를 당하였고 심지어 폭도들은 유치장을 불태워 버리겠다고 위협하였다.

32. The National Trust has already betrayed its trust, albeit accidentally, by allowing the building to burn down.

33. Gore then devised a plan to burn down the house, destroying any forensic evidence he might have left behind.

34. Guillermo decides to burn down the bikers' marijuana field, causing a huge fire which spreads to the Agrestic area.

35. Isn't it true that some one tried to burn down the barn your Sparrowgrass was stabled in a month ago?

36. Each item on the list will be auctioned for the length of time it takes for its allotted candle to burn down one inch.

37. The nascent Tea Party movement upended mainstream Republican candidates in a handful of key states, replacing them with Archconservatives who promised to burn down the establishment.

38. Not only will a lean air/fuel ratio cause Bogging, it will also burn down your engine faster because there’s not enough fuel to “cool” the piston down

39. The challenge is to make sure data mining doesn't become data strip mining - that we don't burn down the forest to make a lot of money quick but with no long term value.

40. If the probability is 1 in 000 that a house burns down and there are 000 houses, then the probability that they all burn down is 1/1000 to the 1000th power, which is virtually zero.