bear in mind in Korean

verb - bear in mind
명심하다: bear in mind, imprint, treasure

Sentence patterns related to "bear in mind"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bear in mind" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bear in mind", or refer to the context using the word "bear in mind" in the English - Korean.

1. We must bear in mind this instructive epigram.

2. What should we bear in mind when under trial?

3. Let us bear in mind: human life, safety first!

4. Bear in mind that you can't request a promotional code.

5. Bear in mind that the consumer is not a moron.

6. Bear in mind that Google can't give advice about VAT.

7. We need to bear in mind that people can change.

8. 10 That is also an outcome to bear in mind.

9. Bear in mind that changes to your scripts can't be undone.

10. 7 Bear in mind that the price does not include flights.

11. • Bear in mind that monotonous stretches of road are especially dangerous

12. 4 There are three important points we must bear in mind.

13. Bear in mind when including shop visits in 'Conversions' at account level:

계정 수준에서 '전환수'에 매장 방문을 포함할 경우 다음 사항에 유의하세요.

14. 6 Bear in mind that some of the children will need extra help.

15. Bear in mind that Agreement forms define and guide the relationship between parties

16. Bear in mind that account suspensions are specific to each country of sale.

계정 정지는 판매 국가별로 다르다는 점에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

17. 9 Bear in mind the age of the vehicle when assessing its value.

18. Bear in mind that Google can't advise you on tax or government charge matters.

Google은 세금 또는 정부 부과금 문제와 관련한 조언을 제공할 수 없습니다.

19. Please, bear in mind that you cannot Copulate with any animal or a vegetable

20. Kindly bear in mind that... I alone am responsible for the administration of justice.

21. 1 Bear in mind that petrol stations are scarce in the more remote areas.

22. ▪ What should we bear in mind when using cellular telephones and electronic pagers?

23. "We bear in mind this high dynamic by actualising and enhancing the FreeGIS CD regulary.

24. Now, let's all bear in mind, these are poetic abstracts from long-lost ancient texts.

25. 21 The Home Secretary should bear in mind the fact that this case is subjudice.

26. Bear in mind that the installment [instalment] attribute is only available for mobile phones or tablets.

27. 17 You must bear in mind the need to safeguard public funds and observe security requirements.

28. 11 This will prove an important point to bear in mind in the discussions of Chapter

29. Bear in mind also that black pepper is in the same botanical family as Cubeb pepper

30. Bear in mind that the installment [instalment] attribute is only available for mobile phones and tablets.

31. 22 One knows that governments have other considerations to bear in mind, including the legislative process itself.

32. Bear in mind that message extensions are not guaranteed to show with your ad all the time.

33. Bear in mind that abuse of our legal forms may result in termination of your YouTube account.

법률 양식을 남용하면 YouTube 계정이 해지될 수도 있으므로 주의하시기 바랍니다.

34. 5 It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension.

35. To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.

36. 3 Stay in the foyer if you wish, but bear in mind the performance begins in two minutes.

37. 13 You should bear in mind that WinTach only measures Windows graphics performance and not overall system performance.

38. Bear in mind that forecasts take bid, budget, seasonality and other factors into account, while historical metrics don't.

실적 예측치에는 입찰가, 예산, 계절 및 기타 요인이 반영되지만 이전 측정항목에는 반영되지 않습니다.

39. We must bear in mind the importance of non-militarization and self-restraint in conducting activities by all.

40. 20 It is important to bear in mind that there is no absolute dualism in the Hebrew religion.

41. Bear in mind that abuse of our legal forms may result in the termination of your YouTube account.

YouTube 법률 양식을 악용하는 경우 YouTube 계정이 해지될 수 있다는 점에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

42. Bear in mind that raising your bid, improving your ad quality, or both, can improve your Ad Rank.

43. 24 To approach this question, we bear in mind the principle that variability in language is socially functional.

44. 28 It is important to bear in mind that there is no absolute dualism in the Hebrew religion.

45. 18 That's fine too, as long as you bear in mind that moderation is the key to staying healthy.

46. 2 As generation gap exists, we must bear in mind that the younger people might not like that idea.

47. Bear in mind that you'll set up tax rates for each United States state that you charge taxes for.

세금을 부과하는 미국의 주마다 세율을 설정해야 합니다.

48. 14 It is important to bear in mind that these financial consequences have, until very recently, remained largely hidden.

49. 26 Bear in mind that following scientific advice usually helps you make the most of your genetics and training.

50. In making his personal decision he must bear in mind that a follower of Jesus is to pursue peace.