appeal against in Korean

verb - appeal against
...에 불복하여 상고하다: appeal against

Sentence patterns related to "appeal against"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "appeal against" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "appeal against", or refer to the context using the word "appeal against" in the English - Korean.

1. He will appeal against his conviction.

2. He plans to appeal against his conviction.

3. She will appeal against the judge's decision.

4. Unsuccessful applicants may appeal against the decision.

5. Both men intend to appeal against their convictions.

6. He waived his right to appeal against the verdict.

7. An appeal against his sentence was rejected on June 9.

8. The SCLC already filed an appeal against Wallace's orders this morning.

9. The Act contains detailed provisions for appeal against the court's decision.

10. The company intends to appeal against the ruling that it was negligent.

11. - in an administrative appeal against a decision of the competent authority, or

12. 11 Ampersand thereupon appealed to the Court of Appeal against those two decisions.

13. The party whom the Appellant brings the appeal against is called the appellee.

14. An administrative appeal against that decision was rejected by decision of 14 April 2009.

15. Sarhadi, who had been arrested in December, had unsuccessfully lodged an appeal against extradition.

16. 25 On 15 April 2013 APEX lodged an administrative appeal against that duty notice.

17. Mousavi lodged an official appeal against the result to the Guardian Council on 14 June.

18. Lee's solicitor said last night that they would be lodging an appeal against the sentence.

19. 20 The Oberverwaltungsgericht (Higher Administrative Court, Germany) dismissed the ULD’s appeal against that judgment as unfounded.

20. Employers shall have the possibility to lodge an administrative appeal against the decision imposing the penalty.

21. Give me one kiss and I will think of your saucy appeal against me no more.

22. Microsoft immediately confirmed its intention to appeal against both the interim measures and the breakup order.

23. (b) information on rights of appeal against such decisions and on the applicable procedure and time limits.

24. The Senate added restrictions on habeas corpus, or the right of prisoners to appeal against death sentences.

25. There is no right of appeal against the Commissioners decision, but the possibility of judicial review is available.

26. 18 Indeed, Beatrice is notorious for signing the 1889 women's appeal against female suffrage, though she later recanted.

27. If you wish to appeal against a decision, you must first make an administrative complaint (see section 6.5).

28. After abandoning an appeal against the decision, Barclays agreed to reinstate the women and compensate them for loss of earnings.

29. The forthcoming appeal against conviction of Lord Hardwicke will therefore provide an opportunity for the appellate courts to reconsider the position.

30. With the development of rights of appeal against tribunal decisions, the significance of judicial review is diminishing in relation to such tribunals.

31. Mumbai: Graveyard, Dargah trusts appeal against Crowding on Shab-e-Barat Upgrade to the North with Dosti Planet North at Shil Thane EBD65, …

32. (d) the authority in the Ministry of External Affairs who has taken decision not to file appeal against the lower court’s verdict for restoring the passports of absconders?

33. The State party confirms that the authors appeal against the denial of registration of the “Civil Alternative” organization to the Gomes Regional Court was rejected on 11 May 2004.

34. (c) the details of the cases in which Government has not moved higher court for appeal against restoring passports of absconders by lower courts during last three years, case-wise; and

35. According to the Act the aggrieved party can appeal against any of the above actions to an Appellate Tribunal which has been constituted under the Act by the central government to hear appeals .

36. Johnny Depp "can't wait to get back onstage," his friend and Bandmate Alice Cooper says of the actor who last week was denied an appeal against his … Read more on

37. Johnny Depp "can't wait to get back onstage," his friend and Bandmate Alice Cooper says of the actor who last week was denied an appeal against his "wife beater" libel ruling in the U.K

38. The AIT lodged an appeal against that order, which the President of the Court of Justice, sitting in an interlocutory capacity, dismissed by Order of 30 September 2003 in Case C‐348/03 P(R) AIT v Commission (not published in the ECR).

39. The Committee observes that the State party challenges the admissibility of the communication on the basis of the author’s failure properly to pursue his appeal against the Thessaloniki Misdemeanours Court’s acquittal of the three officers criminally charged, without making any argument relating to the author’s institution of a separate civil action in 2003.

40. Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber) of 11 August 1995. - Société d'Informatique Service Réalisation Organisation v Ampersand Software BV. - Reference for a preliminary ruling: Court of Appeal, Civil Division (England) - United Kingdom. - Brussels Convention - Articles 36, 37 and 38 - Enforcement - Judgment given on an appeal against authorization of enforcement - Appeal on a point of law - Stay of proceedings. - Case C-432/93.

41. Case C-119/97 P Union Française de l'Express (UFEX), formerly Syndicat Français de l'Express International (SFEI) a.O. v Commission Appeal against of the judgment of the Court of First Instance of 15 January 1997 in Case T-77/95 UFEX a.O. v Commission — Annulment of judgment refusing to annul the dismissal of a complaint under Article 86 of the EC Treaty — Reason for dismissal of the complaint stated as lack of Community interest, with no examination as to the remainder