account book in Korean

noun - account book
장부: cog, tenon, account book, metacarpus, fantail, full-grown ma

Sentence patterns related to "account book"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "account book" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "account book", or refer to the context using the word "account book" in the English - Korean.

1. Where's the account book?

2. Like maybe an account book?

3. I have his name in my account book.

4. File containing an account book, a schedule and notes.

5. Meet the account book of Mr. Holmes... the general's father and Chillingbourne drugstore keeper.

6. Account book kept primarily for his retail business in hay and coal at McAdam.

7. You can stop by on Friday, and I'll have your savings account book and bank card ready for you.

8. For practical application of mathematics, children could be encouraged to keep a personal account book, to total receipts in the household, to calculate the costs of certain repairs at home, and so forth.

수학을 실제로 적용하도록 돕기 위해, 자녀에게 개인적인 회계 장부를 정리하게 하거나 가정의 영수증을 합계하고 가옥 수리비를 계산하는 등의 일을 시킬 수 있다.

9. Governor kept a small account book in its own coffers to see is Andy left a Bible, placed inside the hollowed out part of the ground into a round that put nearly a mattock?

10. I calculated in Hector Davis's account book that the biggest week he had -- and he had some big weeks -- but he had a week in 1859 where he made a cool, approximately, $120, 000. 00 in profit, just from selling slaves.

그가 몇개의 큰 수익이 났던 주들을 계산했습니다. 1859년에 그는 노예를 파는 것 만으로 대략 120, 000달러의

11. An account book in which are entered the Acquittances, or warrants for the… ACCOUNTABLE RECEIPT An instrument acknowledging the receipt of money or personal property, coupled with an obligation to…; RECEIPT A receipt is the written acknowledgment of the receipt of money, or a thing of…; APOCHA Latin: In the civil law.