abstainers in Korean

noun - abstainer
절제가: abstaine

Sentence patterns related to "abstainers"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abstainers" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abstainers", or refer to the context using the word "abstainers" in the English - Korean.

1. I drink alone because newcomers are always abstainers.

2. Synonyms for Abstinents include abstainers, ascetics, avoiders, dodgers, refrainers, shunners, withholders, teetotallers, teetotalers and teetotalists

3. Since Abstainers are all-or-nothing sort of people, choose something good to go all-in for

4. It’s natural to assume that the term teetotaler derives from the fact that Abstainers “totally drink tea.”

5. Within 12 months the Moderation movement had collapsed and in 1835 the abstainers re-grouped under the banner of Total Abstinence.

6. Longer-range follow-ups at 3-8 years reflected increasing proportions of clients becoming total abstainers, and a consistent 10-outcomes.

7. Says one research report of unmarried teenagers: “Males and females who engaged in sexual intercourse and alcohol consumption were at greater risk [of suicide] than were abstainers.”

8. ‘The government sent 30,000 troops and 20,000 police officers into the Altiplano region, home to many of the Indigenous peasants who were crucial to last October's rebellion, in a clear attempt to intimidate potential Abstainers.’

9. ‘The government sent 30,000 troops and 20,000 police officers into the Altiplano region, home to many of the Indigenous peasants who were crucial to last October's rebellion, in a clear attempt to intimidate potential Abstainers.’

10. The fact that those taking the lead among Jehovah’s Witnesses set a good example gives them freeness of speech in helping others who may be inclined to rely on alcoholic beverages to cope with stress or may, in fact, need to be total abstainers in order to remain sober.

여호와의 증인 가운데 인도하는 사람들은 좋은 본을 보이고 있기 때문에, 스트레스에 대처하기 위해 알코올 음료에 의존하는 경향이 있거나 사실상 맑은 정신을 유지하기 위해 완전 금주를 해야 하는 사람들을 도울 때 거리낌 없이 말할 수 있다.