ablations in Korean

noun - ablation
제거: removal, elimination, relief, ablation
삭마: ablatio

Sentence patterns related to "ablations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ablations" from the English - Korean. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ablations", or refer to the context using the word "ablations" in the English - Korean.

1. Laser ablations

2. I am just wondering how successful people have found Ablations

3. Synonyms for Abscissions include excisions, removals, ablations, extractions, cuttings, severings, dismemberings, prunings, surgeries and operations

4. Constitutionalized (current term) constitutionalizes constitutionalizing constitutionally constitutionals constitutioned: constitutionist constitutionists constitutions constitutive constitutive(a) constitutive ablation constitutive ablations constitutive enzyme constitutive gene

5. This study was designed to observe the effects of acoustic power, duration, repetitive ablations, tissue-transducer interface temperature and different sites on the ultrasound ablation in vitro.

6. Ambulate Trial Turakhia noted that for A-fib ablations in particular, procedural volume has continued to rise along with the maturity of the technology

7. 1 Since this data was from early catheter Ablations, a higher rate of complications should be expected due to the "learning curve"

8. The arrangement (10) is thus suitable for producing chemical or physical changes, ablations, micro-explosions, plasmas or micro-tears in the photosensitive material (5).

9. There were no retinal complications, like retina ablations or CME. In summary we believe that cataract extraction can be performed in highly myopic eyes if necessary.

10. The tunnel ablations can enhance the accommodation of the patient's eye, enabling the eye to refocus at near distances while not losing its ability to focus at a distance.

11. I don't know if there is data about how long the Ablations usually "hold." I've been told that 50% of people are back in a-fib after five years

12. The ablation depth of each of the test ablations is measured and an associated desired pulse energy is subsequently determined on the basis of the measured ablation depths and a predefined desired ablation depth and is set on the laser device.