electoral college in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "electoral college"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "electoral college" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "electoral college", or refer to the context using the word "electoral college" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Electoral College formally Affirms Biden's presidential win

2. This electoral college system must be scrapped.

3. Under normal circumstances, the Electoral College vote but routine.

4. 9 In the USA the Electoral College elects the president.

5. Labour's electoral college is due to meet on 18 July.

6. Broadly, the rules require that an electoral college choose the Leader.

7. The electoral college plays a huge role in the election process.

8. This leaves 143 electoral college votes in 14 swing states undecided.

9. The new Electoral College includes about 12 per cent of UAE nationals.

10. The electoral college elects B, mainly through trade union and constituency votes.

11. Most people have heard of the Electoral College during presidential election years.

12. The outcome, in the electoral college, is likely to be quite close.

13. Even under the electoral college rules, this achievement ought to make Gore the next president.

14. And in the end, as we all know, it came down to the Electoral College.

15. The Convention approved the Committee's Electoral College proposal, with minor modifications, on September 6, 1787.

16. Each state has as many votes in the Electoral College as it has members in Congress.

17. Electoral College Plan itself was the compromise of various interests at the constitutional convention in 17

18. That would deliver almost half of the trade union votes - 40 percent of the electoral college.

19. And the electoral college system ( All ballot the winner ) prevents candidates of third parties from singlevote.

20. But in the electoral college, Kennedy won by a comfortable 303 votes to 219 votes for Nixon.

21. This was the first presidential election since the 2010 Census, which changed the Electoral College vote apportionment.

22. 15 Electoral College Plan itself was the compromise of various interests at the constitutional convention in 17

23. Each of the fifty states casts electoral college votes equal to the number of its delegates in Congress.

24. Florida, with 25 votes in the electoral college that formally picks the next president, is pivotal to the outcome.

25. In 2011, parliamentary elections had an expanded electoral college with 129,274 members, nearly 20 times more than in 2006.

26. The most obvious example is the electoral college, the phantom body that stands between voters and the final outcome.

27. 25 Each of the fifty states casts electoral college votes equal to the number of its delegates in Congress.

28. However, as it is for any poll, the Electoral College outlook is a snapshot in time, not a prediction.

29. The conversation turned Combative when McCarthy asked Raju "if Arizona and Pennsylvania were removed in the Electoral College [tally], …

30. Today we will be discussing the electoral college, but, as an Aside, did anyone see the debate last night? 2

31. The current 57-seat Legco comprised 31 government-appointed members, 14 chosen by functional constituencies and 12 by electoral college.

32. Since the trade union votes count for 40 percent of the local electoral college, Mr Davies was declared the nominee.

33. The president would no longer be chosen by voters but by an electoral college of supposedly nonpartisan locally elected deputies.

34. 27 The most obvious example is the electoral college, the phantom body that stands between voters and the final outcome.

35. Gore won a popular plurality of over 540,000 votes over Bush, but lost in the Electoral College by four votes.

36. If the system had been built on popular votes rather than the electoral college, each would have pursued a different strategy.

37. The man who becomes president is the one who gets the most of these 538 electoral college votes across the nation.

38. Opponents of the Electoral College claim such outcomes do not logically follow the normative concept of how a democratic system should function.

39. During Brazil's military rule period, the president was elected by an electoral college comprising senators, deputies, state deputies, and lawmakers in the cities.

40. All elections are direct; that is, no electoral college is constituted for any of the elections at the federal, state or municipal level.

41. The 1964 Constitution also granted the Prime Minister the power to summon the Electoral College in case of the death of the King.

42. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will either elect a new president and vice president through the electoral college or reelect the incumbents.

43. CPAC Erupts in Delight After Hawley Brags About Trying to Overturn Election “On January the 6th, I objected during the Electoral College certification, maybe you …

44. Trump refusing to Concede, despite both the popular vote and electoral college indicating a clear loss, threatens to cause irreparable damage to America’s economic future.

45. Twenty members are elected by the citizens of the UAE through an electoral college, while the remaining twenty are appointed by the rulers of each emirate.

46. Boohooing, Whoopi? It wasn’t conservative celebrities who created a video begging the Electoral College to ignore the vote of the American citizens and deny Trump the presidency.

47. Hillsdale Republicans also Censured Shirkey for what they believed was Shirkey’s “open support of the termination of the electoral college, one of the most important checks and balances that

48. Overall support for Abolishing the Electoral College is at its highest point since 2011 (62% supported Abolishing it) and six points higher than in 2019, and support among Democrats is …

49. According to the Sénatus-consulte, a marshal was a grand officer of the Empire, entitled to a high-standing position at the court and to the presidency of an electoral college.

50. Another misconception that Nevada was rushed into statehood was due to the 1864 Election, in which Abraham Lincoln needed a few more sure votes in the Electoral College to be re-elected.