dry weight in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "dry weight"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dry weight" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dry weight", or refer to the context using the word "dry weight" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Aluminium: not more than 100 mg/kg expressed on dry weight basis

2. This chemical accounts for up to 10% of the spore's dry weight.

3. The Adventurer 80GS debuted in 2009 with an impressive 1,466 pound dry-weight.

4. Engelmann and Obst (1981) list the average venom yield at 420 mg (dry weight).

5. Root nodule dry weight and acetylene-reduction activity failed to increase after stem inoculation, but root nodule dry weight and acetylene-reduction activity increased several fold within 15 days of detachment of aerial stem nodules.

6. It has been estimated that they account for more than half the dry weight of most organisms!

7. B1270 Bulk density of soil Dry weight of a soil sample per unit volume (inclusive of air enclosed).

8. This yields practically all the oil present, amounting to more than 60% of the dry weight of the coconut.

9. The performance of the transplants was measured by vegetative growth expressed as dry weight at harvest after twelve months.

10. Gallic acid, of a purity by weight of 98,5 % or more calculated on the dry weight (measured by acidimetry)

11. On a dry weight basis, 2–4 kg of wild-caught fish are needed to produce one kg of salmon.

12. Healthline notes that Almonds are very high in this anti-nutrient, containing between 0.4 and 9.4 percent phytate by dry weight.

13. Cobnuts are very rich in vitamin E and in calcium, typically containing about 21mg and 141mg per 100g kernel (dry weight) respectively.

14. Bioassaying CHLORSULFURON of soil (dry-weight basis) in 210-ml waxed paper cups and covered with clear plastic wrap fastened with a rubber band

15. Amebae are particularly abundant in soils (10 3 –10 7 per gram dry weight), where together with heterotrophic flagellates they probably control bacterial abundance

16. A0430 Actual density of the soil Dry weight of a soil sample per unit volume, excluding the air which is enclosed in the undisturbed state.

17. The cultures were incubated at 28 °C for 3, 7 or 10 days and analyzed for mycelial dry weight, pH and accumulation of aflatoxin B1 and G1.

18. A defined medium was developed for a Bacterized Gladophora glomerata from Lake Michigan yielding 0.8 g dry weight/m 2 /20 days and a doubling time of 1.2 days

19. Mature seeds are often extremely dry and need to take in significant amounts of water, relative to the dry weight of the seed, before cellular metabolism and growth can resume.

20. Cobnuts have a nationally recognised nutritional profile and are said to be fantastic sources of protein: Cobnut kernels typically contain 12%-17% protein by dry weight, and about 10%-15% fibre

21. The index had germination rate, the weight of radicle, the weight of embryo, seedling rate, plant height, the number of seminal root, the total length of seminal root and dry weight of seedling.

22. Adventurer 80GS: dry weight, 1,752 pounds + 11 gallons fresh, 91.7 pounds + 4 gallon full hot water heater, 33.4 pounds + 20-pound full propane tank, 20 pounds + battery, 65 pounds + stuff, 500 pounds = 2,462.1 pounds

23. A stream of moisture-containing coffee aroma gas is passed through and allowed to exit a desiccant bed of calcium sulfate granules, wherein said granules initially contain less than about 0.5 % adsorbed moisture by dry weight of said granules.

24. The density of the culture, i.e. the available light per single cell, can be kept constant with an accuracy of ±4%. — The percentual deviation of the average values of cell numbers, dry weight and pigments were estimated over 4 days.

25. The total amount of living material in a given habitat, population, or sample. Specific measures of Biomass are generally expressed in dry weight (after removal of all water from the sample) per unit area of land or unit volume of water.

26. Amylose and amylopectin are the major components found in starch with about 98%–99% of the dry weight of native granules with the remainder being lipids, minerals, and phosphorus in the form of phosphates esterified to an hydroxyl moiety of glucose [81]

27. Nucleoli of HeLa-cells, however, possess a lower dry weight but higher dry mass concentration, whereas nucleoli of amnion cells have a higher dry mass content and a bigger volume but lower dry mass concentration, i.e. they have more water per volume unit.

28. Observed mutant irregularities included (i) abnormal achene formation causing irregularly shaped seeds, (ii) delayed and irregular germination, (iii) delayed but normal leaf growth and leaf area, (iv) 66% reduction in stem height, (v) 50% reduction in shoot dry weight, (vi) 0.45% viable pollen formation, and (vii) 98.9% self-sterility.