drift in Hungarian

alagútfúrásiránya bárányfelhô csap csapásirány cél elcsúszás felhô folyás forgatag förgeteg hajlam hajtás hajtóerô hordalék irány irányzat jégesô kézilyukasztó lecsurgás lendítôerô lyukvésô menet mozgásiránya mozgás oldalgás partramosotttárgy pecek pásztászáporesô rögzítôtüske sodródás szegecskiverô szándék szúróvésô tendencia tövis vetôdés vihar vágat vájat vízhordtatárgy állatokösszeterelése áradmány áramlás ékfúró örvény örvénylés úsztatotttárgy

Sentence patterns related to "drift"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "drift" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "drift", or refer to the context using the word "drift" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Genetic Drift

2. Mine access drift

3. Drift sequence terminated.

4. Drift gillnets | GND |

5. ‘Arresting the Drift Toward Selfishness’

6. Bobber is floating drift.

7. Absolute Zero response drift

8. Gillnets (set or drift)

9. Annual vegetation of drift lines

10. Do you catch my drift?

11. I don't get your drift.

12. Remember to allow for drift.

13. The idea that continents broke and drift apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift.

14. So what's the drift of the argument?

15. Large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing

16. We used to ridicule continental drift.

17. Almost imperceptibly, they drift into sin.

18. ● Why do friends sometimes drift apart?

19. We didn't just drift apart, Marion.

20. ( Sonia ) " To drift, had its price. "

21. Some people just drift through life.

22. Subject: Drift-met fishing for salmon

23. Optical potentiometer with temperature drift compensation

24. The drift apart had been gradual.

25. It also establishes a limitation on drift netting.

26. Rose window, the wind drift back a few.

27. She began to drift between sleep and wakefulness.

28. Underneath all reason lies delirium, and drift."

29. There is a slow drift into crisis.

30. Is the Government's policy one of drift?

31. That's why I just drift, you know.

32. Often, however, life is an aimless drift.

33. Grace was beginning to get his drift.

34. The distribution of Magnoliaceae and continental drift.

35. Internally cooled linear accelerator and drift tubes

36. Are you a drift master? Prove your skills in Burnout Drift - a car drifting game with stunning 3D graphics and realistic drifting physics

37. Artlet.dk er desværre midlertidigt ude af drift

38. Steam locomotive 2718 buried in a snow drift Publisher:

39. We switched off the motor and started to drift .

40. Why do some drift away from the congregation?

41. I drift to starboard every step I take.

42. People began to drift back to their houses.

43. Did you get the drift of the dispute?

44. If they drift off, we'll never find them.

45. 24 Do we get the drift of that?

46. She didn't quite get my drift, did she?

47. You're suggesting that we initiate a Drift with a Kaiju?

48. Aligning punch definition, a drift for Aligning rivet holes

49. It can not be allowed to drift into complacency.

50. Idly, he let his gaze drift across the horizon.