division of labour in Hungarian


Sentence patterns related to "division of labour"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "division of labour" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "division of labour", or refer to the context using the word "division of labour" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. A sensible division of labour then suggests itself.

2. Society is challenging the traditional sexual division of labour.

3. How does money aid the specialization and division of labour?

4. The division of labour is always reflected in differentiation of status.

5. In November 2015, both parties agreed to a division of labour.

6. • These are, however, necessary consequences of the division of labour and the Consequent …

7. Increasingly, it is accepted that a division of labour may improve resource allocation

8. Increasingly, it is accepted that a division of labour may improve resource allocation.

9. It is also argued that a new spatial division of labour is being established.

10. But the stress so far on the division of labour is somewhat one-sided.

11. Interdependence is the natural characteristic of an economy based on the division of labour.

12. At the core of the pyramid there would be a maximal division of labour.

13. The problem was resolved by a gradual increase in the social division of labour.

14. Division of labour leads to standardization of products due to the possibility of mechanization.

15. A crucial aspect of the productive process is the division of labour into restricted tasks.

16. In this sense, power can be a structural phenomenon created by the division of labour.

17. By the early 1960s, Khruschev wanted a division of labour between the members of Comecon.

18. This division of labour was itself the product of the growing complexity of the social organism.

19. Second, women and men have different responsibilities accorded to them in the domestic division of labour.

20. Consequently the basic concepts have been division of labour, organisational structure, job descriptions, but above all - hierarchy.

21. Taylor believed in the division of labour since tasks could be broken down into simple repetitive jobs.

22. Neo-Marxists emphasize the globalization of capitalist production and the associated creation of a global division of labour.

23. In this context of an advanced division of labour, interests theories specify the legitimate range of economic interdependence.

24. These will directly affect the career structure within the banks, causing distortions, blockages and a recorded division of labour.

25. These are, however, necessary consequences of the division of labour and the consequent role of trust in social relationships.

26. The division of labour itself was not, as economists had long held, caused by a desire for greater productivity.

27. An empirical application of this theoretical framework is the work of Frobel etal. on the new international division of labour.

28. The division of labour not only makes capitalist investment more profitable it also involves the continual undermining of workers' skills.

29. He takes Adam Smith to task for conflating the division of labour in society with the division within the enterprise.

30. A prominent example is the research conducted in the 1970s on the development of a new international division of labour.

31. In the process, world-system theories, and particularly the idea of a new international division of labour, are critically evaluated.

32. The domestic division of labour Despite the rise in female employment, women today perform the majority of tasks within the household.

33. This does not exclude the possibility that anaesthetist and surgeon may agree on a different division of labour in the operating room.

34. The source of consensus was to be found in the division of labour, which was the pre-eminent fact of social solidarity.

35. They were thus driving the wedge further and further into a division of labour from which they were the first to suffer.

36. Other articles where Biomedicine is discussed: complementary and alternative medicine: Historical perspectives: …care became increasingly centred on Biomedicine, and a division of labour proliferated

37. Bureaucracy, specific form of organization defined by complexity, division of labour, permanence, professional management, hierarchical coordination and control, strict chain of command, and legal authority

38. Along with acculturate the development of big production, social management the division of labour is more and more thin to turn, moderating to also change of more and more important.

39. Along with Acculturate the development of big production, social management the division of labour is more and more thin to turn, moderating to also change of more and more important

40. Anomie is a classic concept of Sociology since Émile Durkheim mobilised it in De la Division du Travail Social (The Division of Labour in Society) (1893), and in Le Suicide (Suicide) (1897).1 However, and although in etymological terms, the word Anomie “means the absence of norms, rules or laws”, 2,3 Anomie is a polysemic

41. The Committee does not see new forms of work organization as an optimum and definitive solution to the problems affecting employer-worker relations. However, in the quest for such solutions it would advocate focusing on human dignity, protecting and promoting the individual's freedom to realize his/her full potential and build up a sense of responsibility, reducing and eliminating health risks in work and production processes and encouraging a working environment which develops both the vocational and personal skills of employees and gives them the tools for decision-making, communication and cooperation, opening up career prospects. It would also recommend action to combat the traditional gender-based division of labour and to help develop new, highly qualified fields of employment for women.