diurnal in Hungarian

egynapi mindennapos napi naponkénti nappali

Sentence patterns related to "diurnal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "diurnal" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "diurnal", or refer to the context using the word "diurnal" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Kangaroos are diurnal animals.

2. the diurnal rotation of the earth.

3. The postoperative diurnal curves were independent from the preoperative characteristics of the curves (mean diurnal pressure, amplitudes and peaks).

4. Unlike most other bats, this species is diurnal.

5. It flies over scree tundra and is diurnal.

6. Adaptable body rhythms, as easily nocturnal as diurnal.

7. 16 Adaptable body rhythms, as easily nocturnal as diurnal.

8. Thunderstorms mainly occur in summer with obvious diurnal variation.

9. The diurnal variation of E layer is relatively smooth.

10. Such terms presuppose a division of time into diurnal spans.

11. A synoptical list of the Accipitres (diurnal birds of prey)

12. The activity of the species on the soil surface is strictly diurnal.

13. Kob are diurnal, but inactive during the heat of the day.

14. This is high enough to permit observation if the diurnal variation.

15. A study of the rule of the diurnal variation of latitude and longitude, obtained with the astrolabe in Shanghai, leads us to the hypothesis that the diurnal var...

16. The plains have a wide range of diurnal and annual temperatures.

17. All autoradiographic parameters showed marked diurnal variations, the amplitudes of which differed individually.

18. Pygmyship reselect soogeed Bespattered undulant Blood rosy-bosomed lunar-diurnal degermed bipaleolate subbromid cartridge

19. Circumpolar star, star whose diurnal circle lies completely above or completely below an observer's horizon

20. The final category, category includes the diurnal raptors, the hen harrier, buzzard and red kite.

21. If you're in Diurnal sect, then use Aspected first IF there's no incoming damage

22. Their mean diurnal curves and amplitudes were significantly lower than in the other eyes.

23. The diurnal pattern of activity is closely related to changes in illumination and temperature.

24. Dusky Antechinus are entirely diurnal animals and are active at many times of the day

25. These differences produce corresponding differences in the bone assemblages produced by owls and diurnal raptors.

26. Two further categories of incisor digestion can be recognized here, covering all the diurnal raptors.

27. In all three cases, the 17-OHCS are elevated and there is no diurnal variation.

28. Cortisol levels normally rise and fall during the day; this is called the diurnal variation.

29. Note: By convention, the onset of activity of diurnal organisms defines Circadian time zero (CT 0).

30. Most of the diurnal variation in weather is caused by Advection only in the middle latitudes.

31. Individuals may be diurnal or nocturnal and solitary or social depending on season, habitat and hunting pressure.

32. Most owls are nocturnal, hunting at night for similar prey to the diurnal or day-hunting hawks.

33. Several studies on digestion of bone by captive owls and diurnal birds of prey have been published.

34. Fig. 4 Skeletal element proportions of bone assemblages from diurnal raptors and mammalian carnivores, as for Fig.

35. Around the bend and into the straight Diurnal Tiger, Alluder and Wulfwin came around together with Target

36. The colonoscopies were carried out between 1100 and 1300 to allow for diurnal variation in proliferation rates.

37. The diurnal variation of the amplitude of acoustic waves was found to be mainly due to windinduced turbulence.

38. Capuchins—considered the smartest of the New World monkeys —are diurnal (active during the day), social, and territorial

39. Diurnal variations of blood glucose and acetone bodies, as well as those of glucosuria and ketonuria were recorded.

40. Figure 1 shows the average diurnal variation of ozone and total peroxide in baseline air for January 19

41. Changes in the diurnal cycle allow different developmental stages of embryos to be available during normal working hours.

42. A Point of View registers diurnal, geologic, and mechanized time in this section of the ever-progressing San Andreas Fault

43. 29 Changes in the diurnal cycle allow different developmental stages of embryos to be available during normal working hours.

44. Diurnal blood glucose levels and glueosuria did not improve during the camp, whereas the concentrations of blood acetone bodies decreased.

45. The diurnal pattern of sap flow rate of Juglans mandshurica is similar with that of air temperature and relative humidity.

46. Our main inference was that as insectivorous primates radiated within the forest they took to fruit-eating and became diurnal.

47. Many of the diurnal, or daylight-active species are popular aquarium subjects, but there are also several popular nocturnal species.

48. Sceloporus lizards, like most others, are diurnal — active during the day — and cold-blooded, so they can't regulate their body temperature.

49. Agamid lizards are generally diurnal, with good vision, and include a number of arboreal species, in addition to ground- and rock-dwellers

50. When the telescope became available, the diurnal parallax of Mars was again measured in an effort to determine the Sun-Earth distance.