discursive in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "discursive"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "discursive" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "discursive", or refer to the context using the word "discursive" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Now their conversation was discursive and jokey.

2. The first is discursive or verbal consciousness.

3. He is a discursive person.

4. the discursive style of the novel.

5. Rich's novels are circling and discursive.

6. The purpose and methods of discursive OD were analysed.

7. These transition-metaphors operate at several discursive levels.

8. Conceptualising Sustainability in UK Urban Regeneration: a Discursive Formation

9. They complained that my writing was becoming too discursive.

10. Derrida himself is interested in the tension created between discursive play and history.

11. Discourse and discursive action produces- “Actants.” There is no other subject behind discourse: a sbject is constituted by the very act of discoursing itself (what Greimas terms the discursive instance)

12. This discursive attack is paralleled by a scathing social critique.

13. The slightly lower figure may relate to the more discursive nature of the subject.

14. This will involve a study of differences in kinds of knowledge and discursive practices.

15. The rules of grammar are intended to analyse the structure underlying this discursive order.

16. Hemingway's short sentences derive their power from their revolt against earlier, more discursive styles.

17. 7 An elegant study, combining sound judgement of Trollope's characterisation with an excellent discursive style.

18. Shaming interrogatives: Admonishments, the social psychology of emotion, and discursive practices of behaviour modification in family mealtimes

19. The tendency toward enclosure and fixed meanings is thus political and personal, as well as discursive.

20. The Amorist is a romantic, witty and discursive erotic magazine – a flirtatious conversation, designed to appeal to women and men

21. What Brooke-Rose does with discursive and textual matter in much of her previous fiction she does here with personae.

22. Conversely, poetry is in many ways closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms.

23. She introduces the concept of ‘Bivocality’, refering to a ‘discursive strategy’, which is both using and producing memory narratives

24. The text can be highly discursive and reads like a series of points rather randomly formed into short paragraphs.

25. I believe that the major discontinuity lies in the discursive forms through which positions of racial superiority are constructed.

26. Unlike the rational, discursive knowledge characteristic of the sciences and philosophy, however, Connatural knowledge is not achieved primarily through

27. Guattari describes the “abstract machine” Debussy thus: “It is an enunciation, a gap, a sort of non-discursive focus.

28. The Cogitative power (or sense) is a power of knowledge that acts in a roundabout, discursive way. The name is borrowed from the Latin vis cogitativa, which in turn refers to cogitatio — rational, or discursive, thought in contrast to intuition, certitude, and immediate knowledge

29. To investigate whether and how a socially oriented notion of "voice"-defined as "the Amalgamative effect of the use of discursive and non-discursive features that language users choose, deliberately or otherwise, from socially available yet ever-changing repertoires" [Matsuda, P

30. We're in the same world,the same linguistic,the same discursive the same theological world as the Gospel of John.

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32. One definition is exchanged for another, semantic currency is taken from one discursive economy and converted into the currency of another.

33. Argumentative (comparative more Argumentative, superlative most Argumentative) Of or relating to argumentation; specifically, presenting a logical argument or line of reasoning; argumentive, discursive

34. Philosophical fiction is fiction in which a significant proportion of the work is devoted to a discussion of the sort of questions normally addressed in discursive philosophy.

35. 27 A first contact with John Ashbery's poems often throws readers into confusion with his multifarious, usually longwinded and discursive,(www.Sentencedict.com) verses which seem to have no distinctive characteristics at all.

36. A first contact with John Ashbery's poems often throws readers into confusion with his multifarious, usually longwinded and discursive, verses which seem to have no distinctive characteristics at all.

37. From concepts a priori, however (in discursive knowledge), it is impossible that intuitive certainty, that is, evidence, should ever arise, however Apodictically certain the judgment may otherwise seem to be.

38. I suggest in the course of the book that certain interpretations of reason and clear understanding as discursive rationality have damaged ethical thought itself and distorted our conceptions of it.

39. Second, both discursive norms and bibliographic practice presumed an exclusively male readership for the bestiary, but external and internal evidence suggest that bourgeois mothers used Bestiaries in educating their children

40. In a given set of students, some will be more verbal, while others will be more discursive, needing time to think through a response before presenting it to an instructor or peers.

41. Coldly If the latter embraced them unrealistically warmly, the former rejected them equally unrealistically Coldly. From the Cambridge English Corpus The discursive institutionalisation of the ageing body is likewise anything but a Coldly …

42. The abstract machine links material and semiotic elements, but it does so from a non-discursive, unnameable, unrepeatable point, because it touches upon the focus of non-discursivity which lies at the heart of discursivity.

43. The foregrounding of diverse discursive registers, the explicit acknowledgement of her dependence on source texts and her commitment to Copyleft practices, together forge a fragile network of dialogue and exchange, of quiet affiliation and solidarity, and of resistance.

44. Concise adjective brief, short, to the point, compact, summary, compressed, condensed, terse, laconic, succinct, pithy, synoptic, epigrammatic, compendious The text is Concise and informative. lengthy, rambling, long, diffuse, long-winded, wordy, garrulous, discursive, verbose, prolix

45. Bernstein's concept of recontextualization can be employed to analyse the discursive relations between different social spheres or Conjunctures within which human action takes place and how discourse is changed as it moves between Conjunctures to meet the needs of different social agents.

46. The subject of Avowal is never free of the ethical exigency and the discursive contingency of 'chang[ing] itself, transform[ing] itself, displac[ing] itself, and becom[ing] to some extent other than itself,’ and Foucault’s genius lies in providing us with critical and genealogical reflections on the worldly practices of Avowal.

47. Writing from the position of an engaged subject formed by the epistemological regime he desires to reconstitute, Moxey invokes Michel Foucault (as well as Roland Barthes, Judith Butler, and Joan Scott), Avowing that the production of knowledge originates in discursive practices that are culturally embedded and constitutive of cultural meaning.