direction of strata in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "direction of strata"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "direction of strata" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "direction of strata", or refer to the context using the word "direction of strata" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. (noun) The Brecciation of the strata.

2. The older strata gradually disintegrated.

3. The Strata™ Airbed Difference

4. Concretions form within layers of sedimentary strata that have

5. Allocation of sample across strata and selection of reporting agents

6. Firstly, members of the lower strata may become totally demoralized.

7. Conformability definition is - the quality of conforming—used especially of geological strata.

8. V. Allocation of sample across strata and selection of reporting agents 15.

9. The author analysed vertebrae taken from strata of different geological age.

10. Unfortunately... thymic sclerosis is found in all strata of Denobulan society.

11. The varied strata of modern society present numerous challenges to surveillance.

12. The Albian stage of the Cretaceous; the strata dating from this stage

13. Building strata of the thermally insulating system with an air gap

14. Conformable strata lie above one another or interbedded,

15. These strata are the accumulated shells of those billions and billions of micro-organisms.

16. Layer by layer the narrow strata of brick and rubble were laid bare.

17. Even without a microscope, you can see the cell strata.

18. That all geologic strata were formed by the Biblical Deluge.

19. Similarly, increased odds ratios were found for different age strata.

20. A preliminary note on Arsinoitherium zitteli, Beadn., from the Upper Eocene strata of Egypt.

21. The horizon, a confused mass of strata, oscillating Ceaselessly, murmurs in a continual undertone

22. 16 The cliffs are characterized by remarkable zigzagging strata of shale, limestone and sandstone.

23. It is possible for social inequality to exist without social strata.

24. Even the most fully developed participant cultures will contain surviving strata of subjects and parochials.

25. The strata at Olduvai make an intriguing window into the past.