diffusion coefficient in Hungarian

diffúziósegyüttható diffúzióskoefficiens diffúzióstényezô

Sentence patterns related to "diffusion coefficient"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "diffusion coefficient" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "diffusion coefficient", or refer to the context using the word "diffusion coefficient" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Extraction resulted in a higher diffusion coefficient for air-dry specimens.

2. Key words: spillways, plunge pools, jet aeration, diffusion coefficient, buoyancy coefficient, hydrodynamic forces.

3. The water vapour resistance factor increases and the diffusion coefficient decreases with increasing density.

4. In rivers and large ocean currents, the diffusion coefficient is given by variations of Elder's formula.

5. The calculation of the diffusion coefficient was performed by using the equation corresponding to the spherical diffusion.

6. The diffusion coefficient of tritons in ice has been measured as a function of the concentration of NH4F.

7. Within the range of 1 to 4 litres/min air-flow a change by 1 litre/min alters the diffusion coefficient by about 12%.

8. Apparent diffusion coefficient (Adc) is a measure of the magnitude of diffusion (of water molecules) within tissue, and is commonly clinically calculated using MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) 1

9. The particle sizes at pAg 3 and 4 calculated on the basis of the Ag+ diffusion coefficient for the hexagonal modification agree with those which follow from electronmicrographs, therefore the particles are hexagonal.