destruction in Hungarian

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Sentence patterns related to "destruction"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "destruction" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "destruction", or refer to the context using the word "destruction" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. Property destruction?

2. Now destruction comes!"

3. Death, horror destruction.

4. The seed of destruction.

5. A spell of destruction.

6. Destruction of the Aristocracies

7. destruction by nuclear war.

8. Destruction pursues the great.

9. Warlock: Affliction, Demonology, Destruction.

10. Pride goes before destruction.

11. Destruction or abandonment of goods

12. ♫ Mutual-assured destruction

13. Lower Altitudinal Hemianopia is caused as a result of destruction of bilateral destruction of cunei

14. Absolute destruction of this thing

15. " Vandalism, destruction of property, assault... "

16. Upper Altitudinal Hemianopia is caused as a result of destruction of bilateral destruction of lingual gyri

17. Destruction of the Amazonian rainforests.

18. Abandonment or destruction of goods

19. He was entrapped to destruction.

20. Backslash is a destruction machine


22. Destruction of property, public drunkenness.

23. He was lured to destruction.

24. Cataclysm ( Destruction ) - Now also increases your chance to hit with Destruction spells by 1 % per point.

25. Baal is the Lord of Destruction and the final act boss in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

26. Self-destruction runs in the family.

27. Destruction and misery attend on war.

28. The destruction goes on and on .

29. Destruction of hone with limited osteosclerosis.

30. Such an amazing tool of destruction.

31. Destruction is what Brainwashing someone involves

32. Near ground zero, destruction is total.

33. - unauthorized access, alternation, delay, destruction, loss,

34. Destruction and devastation, hunger and sword!

35. Now her final destruction is near.

36. The destruction of Maldek was premeditated.

37. They saved the paintings from destruction.

38. Document Destruction & Recycling Services Melbourne - Awaste

39. Attrition: a gradual weakening, loss, or destruction.

40. The death and destruction were beyond description.

41. appalled by the totality of the destruction.

42. Corrosion: a gradual weakening, loss, or destruction.

43. You're in a downward spiral of destruction.

44. H-bomb, mutual assured destruction, a standoff.

45. Is the destruction of the world inevitable?

46. Or destruction and ruin within your boundaries.

47. However, an inhibitory mechanism interrupts this destruction.

48. I'll bring about complete destruction next time.

49. Violence and destruction are heard in her;+

50. The word “Autolysis” essentially means “self-destruction.”