dependant in Hungarian

alattvaló alárendelt

Sentence patterns related to "dependant"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "dependant" from the English - Hungarian Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "dependant", or refer to the context using the word "dependant" in the English - Hungarian Dictionary.

1. The dependent dependant cannot live independently.

2. The frequency and incidence is very age-dependant and chronic cardiac insufficiency has a high stage-dependant mortality.

3. I am little better than a dependant.

4. Host dependant, initial diagnos is is parasitic.

5. Independence is publishing is dependant on advertisers

6. These movements are dependant on accelerations (Power Spectral Density).

7. The value of widowers’ annuities is only slightly age dependant.

8. Married women receive only the basic pension as their husband's dependant.

9. A sick dog is as much a dependant as a sick child.

10. The amount that Anglerfish heal is dependant on the player's Hitpoints level

11. The word dependant will not be used in this way as a noun.

12. • the impairment restricts your dependant in one of the basic activities of daily living;

13. • Additional days for member/authorized dependant/Extended Family - 65% of the daily meal rate

14. A new alpha firing angle is calculated which is dependant upon the initial alpha firing angle.

15. This class is both a labour and an exploiter time , both a builder and a dependant.

16. You are entitled to receive a government allowance for each dependant who is living with you.

17. The formation and the size of mushroom are dependant upon the cooling capacity of blowing gas.

18. A tax break for single income families and allow a dependant to earn more before penalties

19. Around the hips is a rich Cincture, and a double chain with dependant jewel encircles the neck

20. • your dependant is unable to perform one or more of the basic activities of daily living; or

21. Indeed, it is very likely that the process varies with the relationship between the carer and dependant.

22. Find out the conditions your dependant(s) must meet for you to be able to claim this amount.

23. Another important subdivision of the informal caring population must be made concerning the relationship between carer and dependant.

24. • Where a dependant stays behind, employee is reimbursed the private accommodation ($420/month) and no other allowance;

25. Co-Chaperonins function together with Chaperonins to mediate ATP-dependant protein folding in a variety of cellular compartments

26. Overall the effects of caring obviously vary considerably depending upon the relationship and residential relationship of carer and dependant.

27. The measurements were carried out by the spin-echo-method applying the technique of time dependant and alternating field gradients.

28. Backstopping Cam Clutches are grouped into three different speed classifications that are dependant on the overrunning speed and load conditions

29. Reimbursement is to offset the additional living expenses incurred by the dependant or dependants as a result of the separation.

30. Frequently for a carer, personal needs take second place to the hard physical and mental effort required for the dependant.

31. However, you do not receive an increment for any week when you or a dependant are receiving another national insurance benefit.

32. A hybrid gene consisting of CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 that produces aldosterone in an ACTH dependant manner can be found in FH type I.

33. • The benefit is paid when a dependant dies, whether his/her death is accidental or natural or if he/she suffers from a dismembering injury while insured.

34. Today, spatial analysis is dependant on computer-based techniques because of the enormous amounts of geographic data, the complex statistical and geographic analysis programs, and advanced spatial modeling.

35. THE UNIVERSE A VAST ELECTRIC ORGANISM GEORGE WOODWARD WARDER Man wants things to go on as they did a hundred years ago; woman, the dependant, the Begetter, the chattel

36. I would like to once again emphasize that the successful implementation of the enhanced deployment plan is critically dependant on the assistance of the stakeholders whom I have just mentioned.

37. (9)"additional driveline component" or "ADC” means a rotating component of the driveline which transfers or distributes power to other driveline components and produces torque losses dependant on its own rotational speed;

38. A1 = Net income for the year = A + HD Y = The total of the following amounts based on the claim amounts indicated on the employee’s Form TD1MB: n $225 for the spouse or common-law partner amount; n $225 for the age amount (employee or pensioner and spouse if applicable); n $300 for each dependant under age 18; n $300 for an employee or pensioner with a disability; and n $300 for each dependant with a disability.

39. ‘The nature of this Correctitude is most wholly dependant upon the constitution of the witness.’ ‘In the nation's cultural wars, he said, a leftist political Correctitude based on anti-intellectual premises had been replaced by a rightist one.’

40. As sebum production is markedly influenced by androgens, high androgen levels or an increased response to circulating androgens, even if they are within a normal range, can ameliorate androgen-dependant dermatoses like seborrhoea, acne, hirsutism and androgenetic alopecia.

41. For the time of death, the pathologist considers algor mortis, the cooling of the body; livor mortis, the setting of blood in the dependant regions following death; and rigor mortis, the chemical reaction that causes rigidity in the muscle groups immediately following death.

42. Used cars for sale in durban Bravadoed inquiringly.The revolutionaries used cars for sale in durban him a program and a queerness, the reactionaries a long-ago dalasi of the devil; and imbricate sium such as attica, rogers knew the revolutionaries make-up copious dependant,

43. The invention relates to a grid image having two or more achromatic grid fields (22, 24) including a visual appearance image dependant on the viewing angle, each field containing a grid pattern composed of a plurality of straight dashed grid lines (26) influencing an electromagnetic radiation.

44. Yogi Condoles death of sub-inspector in UP Agra, March 25 (IANS,wishavwarta) Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath expressed sincere condolences on the death of sub-inspector on duty and announced Rs 50 lakh, job to dependant and road to be named after shaheed sub-inspector Prashant Yadav

45. The Bolometers are the positive or negative temperature coefficients based on the type of temperature resistive sensing element. The Bolometer diagram will be in the form of a bridge, where, one arm contains a resistor which is temperature dependant and it is for measurement of the power of microwave energy.

46. Advantageously, the first and second differential delay times, the polarization rotation angle, and the chromatic dispersion can be adjusted by means of the arrangement according to the invention such that a desired value each is obtained for the differential group delay (DGD), the depolarization (DEP), and the polarization-dependant chromatic dispersion (PCD).

47. Products of post-Pliocene to recent weathering influences are limited to rain dependant water supply only, that restricts precipitation to goethite lining smaller pores and/or extremely small crust-spots of amorphous to fine-grained silicate-clay-goethit mixtures all over the sediment particles within the upper part of the sedimentary rock.

48. In clarification of article 18 of this Convention, the Republic of Albania reserved its right to state that in accordance with the Albanian legislation the term “dependant person” means “minor children, spouse, and parents unable to work, who used to be completely or partially the responsibility of the deceased individual, as well as persons who lived with the deceased family and derived their sustenance from his/her work”.

49. Measured were the rectal- and ear-temperature, the heart- and respiration-frequency. the rectal temperature of untreated rabbits at environmental temperature of 22°C ± 2°C is lowered, dependant on the dose, the LPS-fever is diminished or suppressed after premedication of > 1 mg/kg chlorpromazine, the reaction in the recipient animal may proceed in three different types of fever: mono- and biphasic curves and an afebrile one.